Assuming SSD's are extremely prone to faliure how economical would it be to load an OS into main memory and run it from there?
I can think I can deal with a few obvious drawbacks (I've survived inside the bounds of a 20gig VM for the last 2 years), but what are the pro's, con's, requirements and cost for running Windows 7 or the latest Fedora or Ubuntu distro strictly from RAM.
Just so there's no confusion, I'm not saying run the OS from a USB stick or live CD. I'm saying, start the computer, transfer the entire OS into memory from a external HD or 'the cloud' or a big memory stick and run it there. When the machine turns off, save the state to the external storage.
What constructive requirement am I missing here? – Peter Turner – 2011-07-20T13:36:28.273
I agree, Peter, I also reacted to the "-1". +1. – TFM – 2011-07-20T13:38:29.043
Just for info, this is exactly what FreeNAS 0.7 Embedded does, in order to minimise writes to the OS flash drive. – sblair – 2011-07-20T13:52:25.833
Boot Knoppix with the 'toram' option; wait for it to copy the CD to memory; ????; Profi-- Entire OS, applications, files, etc. running from memory. Downside: time it takes to read 700MB from a CD rom drive into memory. – Darth Android – 2011-07-20T14:36:55.527
This seems to be much more unsafe than using a SSD. Most SSDs seem to be very stable and have a long lifespan (with todays fast growing technology you don't want to use such a thing longer than 2-5 years anyway...). One problem for example with loading the system into the RAM would be that power loss means loosing you whole work-data. – Michael K – 2011-07-20T14:38:00.867
There are several *nix distros that already do this, although I don't know about Fedora or Ubuntu. Not that you couldn't develop one. They have a place and purpose, but they are still fairly specialized versions of the OS. A few that I've used recently include Puppy Linux, TinyCore Linux and FuguIta (OpenBSD). – Joe Internet – 2011-07-20T15:07:26.107
@Michael K, solid states are anything but stable. They have severely limited lifespans compared to conventional (read: hard drive) storage media, and will last nowhere near 5 years. Most people who go through the trouble to get SSDs usually run them out in less then a year, which is why I'm selling my Agility 3 (wanna buy it? :P) – Breakthrough – 2011-07-20T18:44:09.423
@Breakthrough, three of my colleagues are using SSD's in their home computer and the only problem they encounter, is that the SSD's loose speed over time. One of them is more than 3 years old and perfectly working; it slowed down a bit, but even with this slowdown, it is working fine (and faster than any HDD). The normal time of use for todays IT hardware is ~3 years, so this seems ok. – Michael K – 2011-07-20T19:20:55.217