Tag: odbc

60 How can I open the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows 7 64-bit? 2012-05-02T21:18:10.690

22 Anyway to use SSMS to connect to MySql? 2010-07-14T16:31:38.783

14 How to Remove ODBC Data Source if Driver is Removed 2014-02-06T17:08:09.990

9 How to connect to Oracle DB via ODBC 2011-08-12T18:26:28.547

8 Exporting a list of ODBC Datasource drivers? 2012-07-26T16:27:52.813

7 System DSN vs user DSN 2012-08-24T07:28:16.100

6 SQL Server ODBC authentication errors 2013-06-26T15:20:42.257

5 Windows 7 ODBC Text Driver 2010-01-15T02:46:01.763

5 How do I configure ODBC DSNs in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7? 2011-07-28T04:24:29.627

4 ODBC Query cannot be executed because it is too complex? 2012-01-18T02:10:41.870

4 Why is my 32bit ODBC connection not showing up in odbcad32.exe? 2012-10-26T05:13:11.897

4 how to connect to pervasive sql through odbc? 2013-02-07T20:26:57.437

4 Excel ODBC - General 'How does it work?' 2014-06-27T21:10:50.823

4 ODBC Data Source Driver 'Does Not Exist' After Updating to Windows 10 2015-09-29T13:37:25.117

4 Link to Skyward Database to MS SQL Server 2018-02-17T07:48:59.147

3 What's the difference between ODBC Manager and ODBC Administrator? 2010-01-20T11:50:41.120

3 What ports does MS SQL Server use for ODBC connections? 2011-01-25T09:06:55.667

3 Access 2010: The Oracle client and networking components were not found 2011-10-13T13:07:56.313

3 How does one acccess the registry hive inside NTUser.dat? 2012-11-20T20:14:52.453

3 Writing typical MySQL query in excel 2013-12-17T00:14:09.727

3 Windows 10 Visual FoxPro ODBC Issue 2015-09-25T19:40:07.117

2 Database access through odbc driver and excel 2010-08-27T15:07:54.110

2 How do I automate creation of an ODBC connection in the system DSN? 2011-03-01T20:49:19.853

2 Querying big databases with Excel 2011-08-31T18:51:53.917

2 Log of SQL queries to ODBC driver? 2012-09-07T07:32:49.277

2 Error when refreshing data from external source in excel. Data source name not found and no default driver specified 2012-10-10T18:54:58.577

2 What's the best way to get a MySQL database into SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services? 2013-04-04T06:22:29.277

2 Can LibreOffice Base directly use MySQL syntax? 2013-06-12T17:54:46.687

2 Copy ODBC Driver to another computer 2014-10-15T16:01:23.527

2 odbc error connecting mysql: "sql server does not exist or access denied" 2015-04-27T11:21:55.137

2 VBA Automation error when querying database through ODBC 2015-10-16T06:16:58.510

2 How to install SQL Server ODBC driver on OSX? 2015-10-23T23:18:30.610

2 Connection failed, Access denied connecting to MySQL via ODBC on Windows 2015-12-18T18:25:21.637

2 ODBCAD.exe same datasource in system32 and syswow64 2016-01-11T07:44:01.470

2 Retrieve ODBC DSN Password 2016-09-29T14:53:07.147

2 How does an OLEDB/ODBC connection know the path to a SQL Server database by name only? 2018-03-27T17:08:25.880

2 How to set up driver for Oracle 12c database on Mac 2019-04-03T07:15:12.920

2 Can I connect 64-bit MS Access to a 32-bit ODBC driver? 2019-06-05T10:40:11.123

2 Unable to connect to SQL server after update 2019-08-09T11:11:29.783

1 How to set up ODBC provider for Mysql in Windows 7 2010-01-19T09:51:37.457

1 is using Hosts for resolving a sql-server more performant? 2010-03-17T09:39:40.780

1 Problem creating ODBC connection to SQL Server 2008 with Vista 2010-04-06T20:48:06.793

1 Update Billing Email Addresses in Sage MAS90 2010-06-15T22:23:23.343

1 Dealing with modal popups in Dynamics GP when running as a Remote Application in Terminal Services 2010-08-05T21:32:31.303

1 How to have a whole, refreshable MySQL database inside Excel 2011-06-07T19:08:03.773

1 How can I use the ODBC connection of another computer on my network? 2012-03-15T23:12:03.420

1 MS Access ignores confirmation dialog when updating linked MySQL table 2012-07-17T13:48:30.557

1 Data Sources (ODBC) hangs when trying to create a new database connection 2012-10-12T14:24:52.187

1 System DSN command prompt 2012-11-15T15:52:36.800

1 Can't choose MS Acess as an option for a ODBC User DSN: why? 2013-05-06T10:44:31.270

1 Access denied for user 'administrator'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 2013-05-06T15:30:54.407

1 Reading an Access database from Java (Eclipse) 2013-06-25T06:32:45.933

1 Restrict ODBC setting changes 2013-10-25T07:44:38.110

1 Unable to format datetime in Excel Table 2014-04-16T14:19:19.317

1 Impact of adding a 32-Bit ODBC driver to a 64-Bit Win Server 2008 R2 2015-05-05T10:32:27.193

1 Why does ODBC connection from win2k (to ASA 8) stop working after moving workstation from LAN to VPN connection? 2015-06-05T06:17:55.040

1 SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified 2015-08-20T14:23:00.190

1 How to use an ODBC file source (.DSN) to export to excel with defined location but no defined filename, bringing up "select workbook" 2016-12-19T12:07:24.307

1 Oracle ODBC Error 12170 - Accessing over Internet 2017-09-10T11:56:02.860

1 InstallAnywhere issue: This application has unexpectely quit 2017-11-15T13:45:55.407

1 ODBC working only with sudo 2017-11-28T06:27:42.540

1 Linked Server between Progress database and MS SQL Server management studio 2018-02-19T12:32:49.063

1 How to create an odbc string connection in an excel spreadsheet to make it portable instead of setting up an odbc connection on every computer? 2018-08-22T10:46:16.570

1 'invalid pointer' with ODBC on CentOS 7 2019-02-10T14:30:19.990

1 How do I stop the following error from occuring? "A connection attempt failed" (see full error in body) 2019-03-26T15:59:20.227

1 MS Access Error: Invalid field definition 'CON474' in definition of index or relationship 2019-04-24T13:21:27.277

1 SQL Server 2017 - Support for old SQL Server ODBC Driver (SQLSRV32.dll)? 2019-08-15T15:39:00.950

1 Data from Excel file is not being displayed using odbc in php 2019-09-19T15:09:49.033

1 Can't add new System ODBC to PostgreSQL db 2019-10-05T15:18:20.863

1 Can I copy an entire database from an ODBC connection to a local file? 2019-11-14T20:37:55.623

0 What configuration for DSN access in Apache? 2010-08-11T14:06:21.113

0 Linked Query in MS Access 2007 to SQL database - ODBC error - How do I see the linking details? 2011-05-20T20:48:14.757

0 Export data from ODBC to CSVs or similar 2011-06-23T09:25:52.080

0 Where'd my System DSN that I just added go to? 2011-07-22T16:59:03.587

0 Troubleshooting inconsistent ODBC connectivity 2011-11-08T22:37:40.777

0 MySQL ODBC Debugging to myodbc.sql overwrites file instead of appending new queries 2012-02-22T22:58:50.897

0 Access MS SQL server from CentOS (OpenOffice calc) 2012-04-03T10:12:34.760

0 iodbctest works but Excel says "No ODBC driver installed" 2012-04-13T15:56:47.877

0 Why won't MS Access 2010 show my list of System DSNs when I attempt to link data tables from SQL Server? 2012-04-25T14:13:30.660

0 How to ssl-secure mysql connection on Windows XP? 2012-06-26T06:18:35.823

0 Questions about setting up PHP-ODBC driver for remote SQL-Server-2008 connection on CentOS-6 2012-07-31T14:10:21.057

0 MySQL ODBC driver 5.1 and Windows 7 2012-08-24T09:42:48.773

0 Fail to reload module res_odbc.so in Asterisk server 2012-10-03T07:37:53.333

0 Sync data between two FileMaker12 instances through ODBC 2013-02-13T12:28:01.270

0 Data Source not found in Excel (Data/From other sources/From MS Query) connecting to PostgreSQL 2013-04-21T18:15:17.013

0 How to reference individual cells in Excel to variable data from records in an external SQL table 2013-11-12T15:13:22.637

0 Strategy for Incremental Datasource fetchings in Excel 2014-06-13T08:36:04.337

0 Best way to share an Excel with an ODBC connection? 2014-06-18T08:33:25.513

0 Precisions on ODBC ports use 2014-07-22T13:31:46.030

0 Which ODBC connection properties have higher priority ? 2015-01-22T15:47:06.213

0 Mysql won't show my databases (MYSQL-WIN7) 2015-01-28T17:29:12.140

0 Unable to make ODBC connection on Ubuntu 14.04 2015-04-22T14:11:39.310

0 Microsoft ODBC driver can't find Oracle Instant Client 2015-07-13T03:52:00.303

0 MS Access won't connect to linked Visual Fox Pro after Symantec Endpoint Update 2015-10-07T12:20:40.423

0 Alternative option for select * from 2015-10-16T06:33:52.110

0 SQL server missing in ODBC 2015-10-22T19:13:00.970

0 Installing 16bit ODBC driver on modern pc 2015-12-04T22:04:13.167

0 Access ODBC connection made on another PC? 2015-12-09T14:00:05.007

0 System ODBC not visible to user 2016-04-26T17:19:47.220