Questions about setting up PHP-ODBC driver for remote SQL-Server-2008 connection on CentOS-6


I have CentOS 6 and PHP 5.3.3 VPS at GoDaddy. I have to interact with remote SQL Server 2008. I've seen many tutorials and quite lost here, so:

  1. There is a way to simply yum install it ?
  2. If not, what are my options ? just FreeTDS ?

If FreeTDS is my only way, then:

  1. What are the command line input variables for the ./configure command ?
  2. After make and make install, do I still have to copy the *.so file(s?) somewhere ?
  3. Do I need to point php.ini to the extension like extension=/somewhere/ ?


Posted 2012-07-31T14:10:21.057

Reputation: 261

Have you taken a look at the steps in this guide:

– Mike_GoDaddy – 2012-08-03T00:20:27.750



FreeTDS is not your only option. There are drivers from other sources, including my employer's offering.

You may benefit from reading over this guide to using ODBC with PHP on the site (an open source project maintained and supported by my employer).


Posted 2012-07-31T14:10:21.057

Reputation: 419