Tag: ntoskrnl.exe

5 Windows Kernel Name\Version? 2011-06-12T06:54:21.440

5 ntoskrnl.exe using hard drive heavily 2013-09-10T22:01:41.250

3 High CPU from ntoskrnl.exe during idle on GetStackLimits 2015-08-31T23:42:53.163

2 Windows 8.1 100% Disk Usage by Ntoskrnl.exe 2015-05-13T17:08:51.240

2 What is causing this Windows 10 reoccurring BSOD on update (MEMORY_MANAGEMENT ntoskrnl.exe+173ce2)? 2016-08-12T21:28:32.237

1 BlueScreens on my ThinkPad with Windows 7 64 Bit and a SSD (CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION, ntoskernel.exe) 2011-06-26T20:24:20.247

1 NtOsKrnl.exe uses 100% of my disk 2014-09-19T05:16:47.287

1 ntoskrnl.exe BSOD Windows 10 2016-05-23T02:30:40.170

1 “ntoskrnl.exe” system process eats ~12% of CPU when idle 2017-11-09T16:14:36.763

1 ACPI.sys high CPU usage 2018-02-01T08:04:33.297

0 BSOD - Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe 2009-09-01T02:55:38.757

0 MSE prompts for ntoskrnl.exe warning every time I start my PC 2009-12-26T16:01:19.783

0 Random BSOD, even when the computer idles 2011-06-23T06:38:14.277

0 BSOD constantly with same ntoskrnl.exe error and disk indicator is frozen 2012-10-12T13:25:05.893

0 Random BSOD ntoskrnl.exe (Windows 7) 2013-10-22T20:10:59.127

0 Windows 7 Kernel Is Missing, or Corrupt 2014-05-16T15:52:24.987

0 Could someone help solve my Windows 10 DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE BSOD's on wake 2015-10-01T10:35:07.260

0 BSOD - DRIVER_POWER_STATE_ERROR 0x0000009f ntoskrnl.exe - Windows 10 2016-06-30T20:35:59.617

0 When booting into Win10 install media, c: changes to e: 2016-11-01T10:15:56.973

0 How to find a reason of often system hangs and BSODs? 2016-11-29T15:58:55.507

0 persistent BSOD ntoskrnl.exe tried everything I can think of 2017-05-07T00:26:25.407

0 Windows 8.1 System process high CPU usage due to ntoskrnl.exe!KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback thread 2017-05-26T15:46:51.440

0 What is causing this ntoskrnl.exe BSOD? 2018-03-28T08:07:05.083

0 Process ntoskrnl.exe CPU usage jumps from 1% to over 40% precisely when using I/O 2019-12-29T22:00:30.530

-1 Windows 10 memory leak after update [Wfpn / ntoskrnl.exe] 2017-08-08T21:23:29.897