Tag: notepad

83 Opened a JPG picture with notepad, pasted all the "text" to a new notepad file, changed to .JPG and it no longer opens. Why? 2014-07-13T20:50:32.143

47 How can I pipe console output directly to Notepad? 2014-06-23T09:19:44.080

43 Windows 10 Notepad can't find text 2018-09-18T23:12:43.483

40 Ctrl+Backspace inserts a small box instead of erasing 2009-08-31T20:04:59.827

36 Notepad ignoring linebreaks 2011-11-28T03:30:41.487

35 How do I replace Notepad in Windows 7? 2009-07-15T10:26:07.587

34 Editing HTML source code with Google Chrome 2010-09-26T11:23:50.927

34 How can I 'select to end of file' in Notepad? 2011-06-01T11:52:41.990

32 How to untoggle Right-to-Left text in Notepad? 2011-08-09T19:08:52.743

31 Why do Excel line breaks not transfer into Notepad? 2018-12-18T21:38:26.023

30 How to Insert a Null Character (ASCII 00) in Notepad? 2009-10-26T06:47:56.133

22 Notepad Ctrl-Backspace behavior 2011-09-05T08:52:32.140

22 Changing the default ANSI to UTF-8 in Notepad 2013-02-25T09:58:45.627

22 Auto Insert date into Notepad 2019-03-03T12:05:48.100

19 Unicode, Unicode Big Endian or UTF-8? What is the difference? Which format is better? 2009-07-22T02:58:45.893

18 Is it possible to change the default tab-size in Notepad? 2011-06-18T04:52:36.213

16 Is it possible to change the default encoding in notepad? 2010-05-23T18:31:38.030

16 Application appears off screen 2011-05-09T15:41:25.410

15 Why does Windows Vista's Notepad randomly move the cursor after saving a file? 2009-10-19T06:14:12.653

13 Is there a way to refresh Notepad? 2011-01-13T17:07:17.617

11 A site for pimp my Notepad 2009-12-07T18:42:11.597

10 Why are my .txt files printed when I double-click them? 2009-08-02T08:08:43.573

10 Why does notepad crash on desktop files in the save-as dialog? 2010-12-13T23:50:43.160

9 Notepad switches 2010-04-16T20:43:04.467

8 Find and replace multiple blank lines 2009-09-28T04:29:26.923

7 Windows cannot find c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe 2010-01-14T21:43:03.277

7 Mysterious notepad.exe spawned every morning 2010-07-02T12:48:07.643

7 How to delete each number at the beginning of a line in Notepad or Microsoft Word? 2011-01-23T09:07:26.083

7 Replacing notepad.exe in Windows 7 2012-02-20T14:48:40.577

7 What Font does Notepad use to display e.g. Hebrew, when it claims to use Lucida Console but Lucida Console doesn't have those characters? 2015-08-04T02:16:20.830

6 How to make Notepad++ take over from the standard notepad.exe 2009-11-27T10:05:56.497

6 How to create a default association for files with no extension 2010-05-05T08:54:57.823

6 How to display chinese characters on Notepad? 2010-11-16T12:06:19.860

6 Copy Notepad.exe from system folder to desktop and run it 2011-05-04T07:22:02.123

6 How do we "restore" notepad after crash? 2011-09-14T04:43:18.400

6 What do Ctrl-J, Ctrl-M and Ctrl-I mean in Microsoft Notepad? 2013-05-14T09:57:11.247

5 Recover un-saved notepad document after Windows Update reboot 2011-03-09T09:05:54.153

5 Windows Notepad and Notepad++ show newlines in same file differently 2012-01-26T17:45:00.923

5 Windows XP "open with" not allowing a custom option 2012-05-10T02:07:59.153

5 Add Notepad to Right-click new menu in Windows 7 2012-06-17T17:36:22.190

5 Why does Notepad "randomly" make pasted text a smaller font size? 2012-07-30T21:59:12.847

5 All files trying to start in Notepad 2012-12-14T04:03:03.887

5 Notepad++ How to display multiple vertical lines 2016-01-29T09:10:24.377

4 Uninstall Notepad on Windows XP 2009-07-23T18:22:53.977

4 Does the Windows 7 Notepad understands the different line-endings of Unix, Mac and Windows? 2009-11-06T21:48:09.950

4 WordPad replacement 2010-03-28T23:48:32.113

4 How to preserve paragraph breaks when text copy from PDF and paste into Notepad? 2010-04-02T04:05:16.917

4 Windows notepad as log 2010-11-29T06:42:44.443

4 How can I restore Notepad after having it infected by a virus? 2010-11-30T15:52:05.770

4 Import text files into OneNote as pages? 2011-06-23T17:37:54.720

4 Are there any light weight text editors (like Notepad) but with alternate background color? 2011-08-24T18:54:08.117

4 How to format numbered lists pasted from Word into Notepad? 2012-09-18T16:43:03.670

4 Notepad takes 8 seconds to open 2013-02-01T05:51:01.517

4 Is there a way to prevent notepad from inserting new lines when using word wrap? 2013-07-30T00:19:39.827

4 Fun with symbolic links and `notepad.exe` (replacing default notepad application in Windows 7) 2014-10-19T04:28:40.923

4 Why are there three copies of Notepad in Windows 7 64bit? 2015-09-03T06:12:49.040

4 Why robocopy still copy an open file, opened by txt editor in windows 2018-09-24T03:18:46.487

4 How to delete all text except for what's inside quotation marks? 2018-09-30T22:21:32.960

3 Text file saved in wordpad by mistake 2010-06-17T11:42:19.810

3 Scratchpad / Persistent Notepad application suggestion 2010-08-22T21:06:00.613

3 How to close all notepad instances in a single close operation 2010-09-24T16:28:25.040

3 How do I flip the line orders of a document with 500+ lines? 2011-11-02T16:31:40.920

3 Overwrite text in Windows Notepad 2012-10-22T22:42:41.093

3 How can I move a window that cannot be moved by mouse? 2012-11-04T15:52:23.550

3 How to change notepad default size and position? 2013-04-04T04:52:32.087

3 What software can I use to edit CSV files? 2013-10-10T12:31:05.243

3 Windows text file viewer that works on Linux text files 2014-05-21T15:03:40.893

3 Notepad++ instant search 2015-12-02T09:37:00.977

3 Notepad++ cut eveything before <a 2015-12-16T15:42:28.803

3 Disassociating Notepad with Exe 2017-01-20T16:12:25.757

3 In Windows 8, how do I change the default encoding from ANSI to Unicode in Notepad? 2017-05-27T22:30:34.553

3 Not able to open txt file with Drivenotepad app in google drive 2018-02-10T10:32:43.173

3 Unable to set default program for .cpp file type 2018-10-28T21:45:57.110

3 What are these unknown symbols that show up in my HTML when using Notepad? 2020-01-22T01:17:06.223

2 Open text file in notepad/notepad++ based on size 2010-03-21T17:13:48.340

2 How can I launch (run) C:\Windows\notepad.`.exe` after I rename it to MSnotepad.`.exe`? 2010-06-20T23:54:20.353

2 Display or dump out a bunch of file names from a Windows 7 directory 2010-12-02T19:32:46.050

2 Broken Formatting In Notepad 2011-05-19T21:26:04.060

2 Broken Formatting When Copying From Notepad 2011-05-21T14:43:09.177

2 Making a custom text editor the default one 2011-10-03T13:06:34.790

2 Finding, deleting soft hyphens from a piece of text 2011-10-30T07:55:47.280

2 Insert bullets in Micosoft Notepad 2012-03-24T06:20:07.147

2 determine when unsaved Notepad file was created 2013-04-08T19:18:22.870

2 Convert between UTF-8 to 1255 online and locally? 2013-05-24T17:05:46.667

2 Windows 8 opens notepad on boot- no startup entry found 2014-03-14T22:36:18.833

2 Notepad doesn't show line breaks 2014-07-15T23:40:09.837

2 Recover Unsaved Notepad Files 2014-08-06T01:54:59.070

2 How to get Double Click in notepad in Windows 8 to select the entire word / line of text and not stop at symbols such as -,+,% etc 2014-08-30T06:04:54.140

2 Recover the text from a notepad dump file 2014-09-26T22:19:27.083

2 Running notepad.exe launches Textpad - I want it to launch Notepad 2014-11-13T01:38:36.680

2 How do I get the full path of a document open in Windows notepad? 2015-11-02T09:31:28.780

2 Search and replace newline in windows Notepad 2015-11-26T10:34:10.423

2 How to use Notepad++ to replace "(" with a line break? 2016-06-14T23:06:00.733

2 How to get Notepad to enter fullscreen? 2016-08-18T11:04:37.120

2 Notepad ++ Append filename when using Save All 2016-10-06T19:31:23.770

2 Change the default of encoding in Notepad 2017-04-12T13:32:35.720

2 keyboard shortcut for Uppercase/Lowercase toggle in notepad? 2017-05-22T15:56:15.167

2 How To Remove All Lines Containing Any non-ASCII Characters Using Notepad++ or Emeditor 2017-09-27T17:32:51.160

2 How to remove all misspelled words from text file? 2017-11-14T01:58:22.433