Tag: netbeans

73 What is the conventional install location for applications in Linux? 2010-01-02T20:20:08.760

18 How to pin NetBeans to Windows 7 taskbar? 2010-01-07T01:07:11.740

17 What's the shortcut to move a line up in Netbeans 2013-03-20T23:26:42.560

15 How to have the file selected in Project Explorer when focusing on a certain file's tab? 2011-07-08T09:03:32.853

12 netbeans - how to view file full path in window title (or somewhere else)? 2009-12-28T20:37:41.640

12 NetBeans IDE 6.9[.1] - Upload files on save - re-enable for session 2010-08-31T14:27:02.110

10 How to add PHP in netbeans on Ubuntu? 2010-10-28T20:17:52.770

10 Any way to change dark Netbeans IDE theme? 2012-05-23T12:23:59.910

10 Handling multiple sets of projects in Netbeans 2012-10-18T18:18:16.170

9 Is there a way to put Netbeans open files tab bar into several rows? 2010-05-20T10:53:31.397

9 netbeans (java) shows empty window in tiling window manager (awesome wm) 2012-03-14T18:58:35.413

8 How can I Change Netbeans' Highlight Color? 2012-12-07T12:37:41.190

6 How to show memory usage in Netbeans? 2010-08-05T09:12:02.797

6 How can I make JDK 7 the default JDK in NetBeans? 2011-09-14T12:00:11.937

6 jVi alternative that supports .vimrc 2012-08-21T12:58:44.163

6 NetBeans + MinGW + C - file not found 2013-04-12T12:19:17.913

6 Cannot uninstall netbeans 7.3? On windows 8? 2013-05-14T17:27:21.120

5 Php ide in java shows a line in the middle of the code window 2011-01-25T09:56:56.280

5 Why does Netbeans ask for Master Password at the begining? 2012-04-26T03:19:10.253

5 Netbeans UI empty in DWM 2012-09-28T06:05:38.207

5 How to open a Cygwin shell at a specific directory from Netbeans? 2013-05-06T13:46:45.133

5 Netbeans 8.0 - IDE Updates Fail 2014-05-16T12:44:25.393

4 How to stop NetBeans from Suggesting Variable Names? 2010-04-14T13:30:06.837

4 NetBeans not able to include files 2010-05-18T19:20:21.120

4 Merging Mercurial conflicts in Netbeans 2011-05-13T15:54:53.550

4 Getting xdebug to talk to netbeans (from a virtual box) 2012-04-10T12:09:32.183

4 netsh advfirewall => command not found 2012-05-30T07:04:14.183

4 How to kill an invisible process? 2012-07-24T17:08:13.520

4 In NetBeans, how to change the colors of the hint tooltips 2013-10-07T10:42:23.313

4 Touch scrolling on Netbeans IDE 2014-03-19T15:17:49.713

4 Is there a NetBeans formatter for eclipse? 2015-04-21T13:31:01.643

4 Create a SFTP connection in Netbeans 2015-09-14T19:24:45.857

3 Any way to limit the amount of memory a program leaks? 2009-10-21T19:30:13.723

3 NetBeans file view? 2009-11-19T04:21:42.667

3 Why NetBeans ( php - remote project ) change permission of files to 0600? 2010-06-28T15:30:13.080

3 How to uninstall Netbeans 6.8 on ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS) 2010-07-08T09:31:21.653

3 Does NetBeans have automatic code-completion for C++? 2010-09-04T16:45:12.653

3 netbeans editor, stop the prompt to disable remote synchronization 2010-11-05T06:16:09.130

3 Why a backslash displays as "W"+strikethrough in Netbeans? 2011-02-20T04:17:21.863

3 How should be system configured for use breakpoints of xdebug for phpunit tests on netbeans (ubuntu) 2011-02-21T11:09:07.573

3 Netbeans editor won't expand window to whole screen? 2011-05-06T14:05:19.447

3 Mercurial no longer working in NetBeans? 2011-06-27T15:58:40.940

3 Can I change the mouse button bindings in Netbeans? 2011-10-28T22:23:41.140

3 Deleting a folder named <error> in Windows XP 2011-12-03T18:39:50.177

3 How to uninstall NetBeans 7.1.2 after system restore in Windows XP ? 2012-07-22T12:30:15.613

3 Installing Cygwin C and C++ compilers for NetBeans IDE 7.2 2012-07-28T09:17:52.350

3 How to switch off "you can use new shorter array creation syntax" hint in NetBeans IDE 8.0.2? 2015-01-31T13:18:10.223

3 Diff to HEAD with PHP Storm? 2015-07-29T10:19:21.077

3 vsftpd - ftpuser cannot upload files to server 2015-10-27T10:26:59.960

3 Disable Generation of Test Packages in Netbeans 8.1 2015-11-30T08:25:24.380

3 How to Keep Netbeans 10 in Dock in MacOS X 2019-01-16T23:24:02.663

2 Glassfish V3 won't start 2010-04-03T17:37:34.110

2 Windows XP, Preference menu's hidden for many programs 2010-04-06T01:16:54.227

2 Can't copy and paste to Netbeans when accessed over RDC 2010-04-06T16:36:49.097

2 NetBeans 6.8 crash randomly when pressed Enter? 2010-04-19T14:13:44.380

2 NetBeans remote synchronization : failed to save file 2010-06-18T18:10:17.463

2 How can I disable color highlighting and marks of versioning in NetBeans? 2010-09-30T15:20:22.293

2 Netbeans: Install/Activate/Uninstall/Deactivate plugins buttons disabled 2010-11-14T10:34:14.367

2 Using NetBeans on Apple MacBook Air 2011-03-12T01:19:08.633

2 Using NetBeans for pure HTML/JS/CSS development 2011-03-21T14:04:34.860

2 Customize netbeans rails module 2011-07-08T08:56:27.280

2 Why does an instance of a program sometimes not merge with his icon on the taskbar? 2011-08-05T08:17:59.410

2 Netbeans shortcut to minimise all functions? 2011-10-01T11:17:26.637

2 Files edited through gvfs using Eclipse and NetBeans getting corrupted. gedit using smb works fine 2011-10-13T05:14:52.880

2 Netbeans destroys hardlinks on save 2011-10-31T12:45:07.063

2 How can I change the background color of scriptlets in Netbeans? 2013-01-30T19:03:45.903

2 How do you make X11 display over ssh connections faster? 2013-03-13T16:07:54.320

2 Is there a way to minimize tabs or groups of tabs in Netbeans? 2013-05-08T15:35:53.057

2 Cant set default program to open file type in Ubuntu 2013-12-11T10:26:05.520

2 Disable auto copying of selected text in NetBeans 2014-01-08T12:07:29.187

2 NetBeans 6.5.1 fails installation on Mac OS X 10.8.4 Mountain Lion 2014-02-16T16:44:51.763

2 Netbeans 8.0 300% cpu usage mac osx 2014-07-22T00:49:05.330

2 NetBeans doesn't register my new code template abbreviation 2014-08-05T11:30:54.517

2 How do I add Tomcat server in Netbeans 8.0? 2014-09-16T01:38:45.103

2 Is it possible to make Netbeans suggest variable names like Visual Studio does? 2014-12-01T14:40:10.840

2 Is it possible to add Java support to Netbeans+PHP installed package? 2015-12-15T16:25:17.163

2 How to change the tool for the "open in external editor"? 2016-05-23T20:10:19.040

2 How to install Netbeans 9 on Windows simple way? 2018-12-20T05:36:03.277

2 How to disable/hide Apache NetBeans 10 splash screen during the load? 2019-03-03T06:58:17.507

2 How to run an executable text-file directly? 2019-04-12T13:51:26.747

1 Netbeans - Subversion and Mercurial in one project 2010-01-05T13:27:39.197

1 Always redownload a file when opening it in NetBeans IDE 6.8 2010-01-09T16:02:21.133

1 Security issue on Linux with Netbeans 2010-01-30T14:41:34.393

1 Why Netbeans 6.8 remote project (php) uploads all files by default 2010-03-19T08:37:38.417

1 NetBeans always shows same files on startup 2010-05-20T09:23:49.020

1 Problem setting up Zend Framework to run with Netbeans 2010-05-29T15:17:13.083

1 netbeans: takes 100% cpu when working with a big java project 2010-08-04T13:42:25.837

1 How to Upgrade NetBeans IDE from 6.9 to 6.9.1 2010-10-11T16:12:47.010

1 NetBeanse IDE reports 'No suitable compilers were found on your system' 2010-10-20T10:08:48.713

1 How to configure the editor's line height in NetBeans 6.9.1? 2010-11-05T11:09:11.670

1 netbeans duplicate file shortcut 2010-12-02T16:55:57.240

1 Add GCC into Netbeans 2011-03-02T12:47:29.457

1 netbeans won't start after pc hung while installing plugin 2011-05-20T21:17:25.310

1 Netbeans Manual upload 2011-06-07T20:57:32.757

1 No Subversion Plugin Available for netbeans 2011-06-22T02:39:16.180

1 How can I get around UAC in Windows 7 / Vista to run tests using Selenium under NetBeans? 2011-08-11T20:59:32.183

1 How do I remove NetBeans IDE from Fedora 15? 2011-09-08T06:44:29.487

1 Netbeans 7.x - change editor identation 2011-10-04T21:18:31.803

1 netbeans supress or disable system dynamic 2011-11-15T06:41:42.403