Tag: multi-boot

52 Hibernating and booting into another OS: will my filesystems be corrupted? 2009-09-11T08:36:30.893

49 Does dual booting split RAM between the two systems? 2018-04-19T16:13:58.713

37 How to make a multiboot CD that will start a user-chosen ISO file 2011-04-06T13:59:04.990

37 Will my computer slow down if I install multiple operating systems? 2011-08-10T05:28:22.927

36 Is it possible to dual boot two OS's at the same time? 2011-09-08T12:33:51.297

32 How can I add Linux to the new Windows 8 boot manager? 2012-11-04T20:22:06.833

30 Windows 10 Installation - A media driver your computer needs is missing 2015-08-19T21:46:00.933

29 Windows reverting changes made by Linux to FAT32 partition 2019-05-16T06:38:15.907

26 Windows 10 time falling an hour behind when dual booting 2015-09-11T18:20:47.467

25 Ubuntu 14.04 installer doesn't show existing partitions 2014-04-23T05:59:28.577

22 Hibernate between OS X and Bootcamp Win 7 2012-06-05T10:34:09.980

21 Are partitions to the inner/outer edge significantly faster 2013-09-09T17:45:11.623

20 What is it that makes some USB sticks not-bootable? 2014-12-17T16:41:13.423

19 How to configure dual boot NixOS with Mac OS X on an (U)EFI MacBook? 2014-08-12T12:33:43.620

17 How do boot sectors and multiple drives works? 2010-02-10T19:23:22.723

17 Can Grub be configured to remember the last OS you booted into? 2010-05-05T15:51:09.510

16 What's the best way to share files between linux and windows 7 on a dual/multi boot computer? 2010-01-26T07:47:40.610

16 Can Bitlocker be used in a dual boot system with Windows on one drive, Linux on another? 2011-05-22T15:46:04.403

14 Some questions regarding PXE servers and multi-booting 2011-05-13T19:51:09.663

14 Software to switch between OS 2011-06-29T11:48:15.070

14 What is the best drive format to share data between Mac, Linux and OS X? 2012-03-07T22:51:53.267

13 Does Windows 8 allow multiboot when installing from a mounted ISO? 2011-09-14T06:25:40.277

13 How do I get the Windows 8 boot loader back and also list both Windows XP and Windows 7? 2011-09-16T17:31:38.117

13 How to boot to Windows 7 from Windows 8 boot menu without a restart? 2012-10-24T18:18:33.543

13 Windows/Linux dualboot: Windows asks for bitlocker recovery key every boot after reinstalling Linux 2017-04-28T14:12:13.563

12 Sharing TrueCrypt partition between Windows and Ubuntu 2009-08-09T11:47:56.667

12 Is it better to dual-boot or run a VM? 2009-09-11T17:31:25.373

12 Can I make USB drive bootable and install multiple OSes from it? 2010-01-25T01:31:28.313

12 Finding Bluetooth link key in Windows 7, to double pair a device on dualboot computer 2011-01-06T18:57:11.553

12 How to copy VirtualBox VDI contents to a partition and dual boot the OS from it? 2012-10-05T09:14:05.777

12 Multiple Windows installers on a USB stick 2014-04-11T06:22:16.027

12 How can I completely remove rEFInd from my Mac? 2014-07-21T21:05:53.223

12 Windows10 twice on same machine 2016-02-18T11:48:02.460

11 How to boot a physical Windows partition with qemu? 2011-09-24T00:08:08.327

11 How do you install Linux alongside Windows 8 without corrupting the Windows 8 boot configuration? 2013-01-22T02:50:36.900

10 How do I move the Windows 7 Boot Files (bootmgr, ...) to a different drive? 2009-10-31T17:45:38.993

10 What do I have to take care of when hibernating both Ubuntu and Windows (dual-boot environment) 2010-11-15T16:52:31.863

10 Windows 7 + Ubuntu dual boot + UEFI BIOS 2011-07-26T11:49:41.667

10 How should I set up my dual-boot so that I can hibernate the secondary OS? 2012-05-01T15:10:34.743

10 Preinstalled Windows 8 and Linux UEFI dual boot on a laptop 2012-11-05T11:39:41.557

10 How do I create a dual/multiboot of Windows and GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc? 2013-05-23T21:07:23.427

10 Is it possible to boot Windows 8.1 without its own bootmanager? 2014-03-14T23:53:31.017

10 Is it possible to have one MBR partition and one GPT partition on the same drive? 2014-10-29T16:19:31.910

9 Returning from Dual-boot to just Windows 2009-07-15T12:15:09.930

9 Multiple OS's and GRUB chainloading 2009-08-19T20:57:20.103

9 How to chain GRUB2 for Ubuntu 10.04 from Truecrypt & its bootloader (multi boot alongside Windows XP partition)? 2010-08-23T15:17:47.620

9 Dual boot a headless machine? 2010-09-05T15:43:03.300

9 Linux mint 10 seems to corrupt ntfs filesystem 2011-03-22T09:11:36.577

9 Dual-booting Windows 7 and Windows XP -- why does Windows 7 boot time differ? 2011-11-11T21:49:10.547

9 Multiboot on usb with syslinux 2013-04-18T18:13:26.977

9 Trying to dual boot Windows 8.1 and Debian Jessie 2014-02-10T14:08:13.580

9 Veracrypt full disk encryption multi-boot Windows 10 and two Linux Distro on same SSD with some shared folders? 2018-01-05T17:12:17.067

8 Cleaning windows viruses from linux 2009-07-20T16:44:49.087

8 How do I fix a boot process that broke because of a failed hard drive? (Windows 7) 2009-08-19T14:55:11.913

8 Which should I install first, Windows XP or Windows 7? 2009-09-11T06:16:23.170

8 How to install Ubuntu, Windows XP and Windows 7 from scratch as triple-boot system 2009-09-15T12:25:08.883

8 Can the Windows 7 system reserved partition be deleted without problems? 2009-11-24T23:19:02.053

8 Dual-booting different versions of Mac OS X 2009-12-06T02:23:08.573

8 Best way to Duplicate a Laptop's Hard Drive One-to-One 2010-03-05T19:51:35.717

8 Linux and Windows 7 dual boot on SSD with data HDD 2011-05-21T12:30:17.490

8 How to install Ubuntu on a Mac running OS X Lion? 2011-12-16T22:35:58.343

8 Is it possible to install Windows 8 in only one partition? 2012-10-28T14:27:19.410

8 Partitioning a hard drive 2014-02-27T10:59:31.573

8 Dual boot setup for two copies of Windows 7 2016-10-22T17:35:51.317

7 Can a Virus Enter via Ubuntu and affect Windows in dual boot? 2009-10-06T06:46:00.307

7 Invalid BOOT.INI (dual boot XP with 7) 2010-01-24T03:32:39.017

7 How to create multiboot flash drive 2010-05-17T02:27:43.647

7 Install Chromium OS, but not from a USB 2010-07-29T20:37:32.437

7 How is Wubi different from dual-booting or a VM image? 2010-12-15T01:57:12.963

7 Dual-booting Windows and Linux: Why install Windows first? 2011-04-01T11:41:33.477

7 Dual-Virtualization vs. Dual-Boot vs. Single-Virtualization 2012-05-01T16:50:09.783

7 Is it possible to share installed programs between Windows 7 and Windows 8? 2012-10-27T12:52:13.413

7 Can I boot up a virtual machine natively? 2013-10-22T13:50:11.030

7 Is it easier to install Ubuntu on a Windows 10 machine or Windows 10 on a laptop running Ubuntu 2015-08-17T05:07:15.970

7 Linux on new Surface pro 4 2015-11-26T14:56:15.200

6 How to make a multiboot USB key? 2009-09-01T04:42:25.013

6 Removing old Vista partition, but it's the active, system partition 2009-09-19T20:10:55.907

6 How to fix GRUB after Windows breaks it, and how to edit the GRUB menu 2009-10-04T08:27:31.687

6 Install Windows 7 after Ubuntu 2009-12-23T11:09:03.300

6 Is dual boot worth-while? 2010-06-26T15:17:47.550

6 Does Mac OS X's "Time Machine" back up all partitions on a dual-boot machine? 2010-07-08T08:51:41.030

6 Use one home directory for more than one operating system 2011-03-05T22:30:20.513

6 5 Primary Partitions? 2011-06-10T20:31:05.900

6 How to dual boot when Windows XP was installed after Windows 7? 2009-06-26T00:08:24.067

6 How do I load Ubuntu into RAM and boot from it? 2012-02-13T08:49:24.200

6 How to prevent dual booted OSes from damaging each other? 2012-03-30T11:39:34.787

6 How to use bluetooth devices under two different operation systems? 2012-05-09T14:12:20.407

6 BitLocker issue. Recovery Key is required on each startup after installing secondary OS 2012-06-05T18:19:36.337

6 Dual boot OSX and Windows 7 natively 2012-06-13T01:34:34.443

6 Continue torrent download on second OS 2012-07-19T18:24:23.347

6 Should I run Chkdsk at all? 2012-09-20T00:14:58.877

6 Windows 8 installer: Something Happened 2012-10-28T18:46:54.870

6 Is there a way to prevent Windows 8 upgrade from erasing the bootloader? 2012-11-02T14:28:00.863

6 Windows boot menu doesn't appear when booting 2012-11-06T00:41:43.633

6 Installing Windows 7 (dual-boot) after having installed Windows 8 2012-12-19T14:35:32.190

6 How do I install Windows 7 (with Intel RST) and Linux to dual boot on a Dell XPS 15? 2012-12-21T02:15:23.440

6 Encrypting a multi-boot USB drive 2013-04-25T04:35:57.087

6 What are the differences bewteen using ISOs vs extracting distributions in multiboot LiveUSBs? 2013-04-26T14:05:32.230

6 Make windows unmount a specific partition when hibernating 2015-08-03T16:40:26.477