Tag: mintty

36 How to change the title of the mintty window? 2011-11-28T15:38:25.473

20 Enable 256 colors for cygwin under mintty? 2014-04-02T15:53:43.360

18 Function key shortcuts in PuTTY/MinTTY and Tmux/Byobu 2013-09-28T05:51:43.740

16 Cygwin/Git Bizarre Terminal Issue 2010-06-30T16:31:07.480

14 cygwin + mintty + vim backspace problem 2010-03-26T08:48:48.283

10 ZSH with mintty on latest cygwin? 2012-03-02T21:17:40.473

8 Cygwin + zsh: Home and End keys not working 2012-05-30T12:13:18.147

8 Editor for 'git bash' on Windows (editor for mingw/msys+mintty)? 2015-10-14T21:30:57.940

7 Using SQLite3 with Cygwin 2011-03-04T03:59:28.007

7 How can I use mintty as the terminal emulator for MinGW/MSYS? 2015-08-11T15:39:44.910

7 How can I change my MinGW/MSYS + mintty home directory? 2017-02-26T19:49:10.330

4 How to create a shortcut in the Windows 7 taskbar that starts mintty and cygwin? 2010-08-31T13:51:08.673

4 How do I change colors on-the-fly in mintty? 2010-12-17T19:29:56.163

4 How do I mark batch files as executables in bash/cygwin? 2011-08-29T14:25:22.213

4 How do I get MinTTY working with UTF8 2013-11-28T03:36:37.277

4 use `bower init` within MinTTY 2014-09-10T07:14:21.430

4 Change mintty title according active tmux window (cygwin) 2016-03-26T20:06:47.870

3 It there any tiled console/command prompt for Windows OS? 2013-11-15T09:50:39.307

3 How to setup background image on Cygwin? 2015-07-17T08:51:24.873

3 mintty on Cygwin: how to change line spacing 2016-03-23T18:29:36.580

2 No colors when running native windows shell application from mintty 2010-09-03T09:15:09.537

2 Cygwin/MinTTY Failing to Update Terminal Output Properly 2013-03-20T17:40:05.460

2 remove 'Starting /bin/bash.exe' on cygwin chere 2014-03-15T14:33:14.063

2 Shortcut to run mintty.exe with ConEmu 2015-04-22T13:38:31.990

2 ConEmu and ASCII characters 2015-06-27T22:20:46.853

2 How do I use Ctrl-Shift keyboard shortcuts for Tmux, with Cygwin/Mintty? 2017-09-25T15:24:29.627

2 mintty: how to keep my output visible after processes terminate? 2017-10-26T13:04:27.950

2 Control character 0x96 sneaks in when copying from or pasting to Git Bash terminal window 2018-06-15T10:04:38.150

2 Copy tmux selection to windows clipboard in cygwin/minTTY 2019-08-28T08:25:32.400

1 Enable wheel in mintty (cygwin) for vim 2012-02-15T19:37:45.720

1 SSH rapid keypresses cause disconnect 2012-04-30T11:49:58.213

1 Cygwin+Mintty password prompt problems 2012-11-01T13:31:11.387

1 Odd behavior on Shift-{Esc,Fx} 2012-12-07T04:18:59.193

1 Having Trouble Sending Arguments To Mintty/Cygwin 2013-04-21T16:20:09.337

1 How can I change Vim SuperTab plugin highlight color? 2013-08-20T08:25:18.250

1 Running cygwin chere in mintty 2014-03-15T16:35:30.633

1 mintty with AutoHotKey 2014-07-04T15:31:33.607

1 Cygwin's MinTTY takes about a minute to start up 2015-03-16T15:19:01.580

1 Changed cygwin home location, now the terminal can't find my .minttyrc config file 2015-07-17T20:24:14.630

1 How to make MinTTY close gracefully on Ctrl-C? 2016-02-12T17:01:55.690

1 How to config minttyrc for zoom 2016-10-16T15:51:50.007

1 Windows10: ubuntu bash shell + mintty: tmux copy selection 2017-01-11T06:38:04.107

1 tmux fails to start in babun 2017-02-02T09:38:56.633

1 How to enable colors with Win32-OpenSSH and Putty? 2017-12-29T09:57:05.170

1 What are the .tmux.conf bindings for Ctrl-Shift keyboard shortcuts with Cygwin/Mintty? 2018-11-02T17:28:44.120

1 Squashed unicode heavy check mark in Consolas Mintty 2019-07-15T17:55:55.340

0 how to start mintty xorg mode 2011-01-11T18:57:25.950

0 Enable wheel in mintty for cygwin comands: less and man 2012-02-15T19:36:24.473

0 Passing the an argument to Windows shortcut 2012-05-27T00:02:03.573

0 Setting GNU Screen to send escape codes to outer terminal on TI 2013-05-03T20:19:01.890

0 cygwin/minTTY reads odd signal from delete key 2013-07-01T18:43:14.193

0 How to set path for MinTTY under windows/cygwin correctly? 2013-09-30T12:34:01.730

0 How to open multiple Mintty windows in Windows 8? 2014-06-06T13:41:32.057

0 mintty problems with Windows 8.1 on-screen keyboard (tablet) and Alt-Gr keys 2015-05-29T12:24:05.823

0 Cygwin Mintty unicode doesn't display fail despite having dejavu sans mono and everything 2015-07-11T14:57:01.647

0 How to make conemu windows key hotkeys work for mintty admin child windows? 2016-01-02T23:41:42.280

0 Run C program in mintty from the windows command line 2016-04-16T12:21:25.363

0 Periodic input to Windows gitbash terminal 2017-03-08T20:48:18.393

0 VIM showing "m" near white space on Cygwin 2017-06-21T11:07:47.163

0 How to detect whether use `.inputrc` or not 2017-10-19T06:07:30.193

0 How do I use Hamilton C Shell with mintty? 2017-11-09T15:32:05.607

0 cygwin "Bash Prompt Here" not working with umlauts 2018-03-07T09:05:01.643

0 Cygwin - mintty.exe is stuck when I try to quit 2019-01-20T13:59:39.563

0 Issue Embedding Git Bash in RoyalTS 2019-02-20T02:18:50.623

0 How to install locale for Cygwin? 2019-02-21T17:01:09.437

0 Using nano in Cygwin's Mintty: Shortcuts don't work when editing git commit message 2019-03-15T15:04:47.660

0 Regex match failing in GNU grep on Windows Server 2019-04-16T14:55:41.950

0 tmux can't create new window no such file or directory 2019-04-21T21:32:35.260

0 Dragging a file from windows explorer to cygwin does not expand to the file path 2019-06-03T17:45:07.860

0 When I press up-arrow in 'less' in mintty (cygwin), only the top line changes. How do I fix this? 2019-06-10T16:42:12.013

0 cygwin xterm-256color under mintty issue 2019-07-22T13:53:45.793

-1 Mintty.exe - Passing script parameters via Windows Command Line 2013-09-16T17:24:40.573