Tag: logoff

33 Are there Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts for Log Off and Standby? 2009-11-19T19:31:23.017

10 How to stop remote desktop logoff after closing the connection 2015-12-03T15:43:36.027

6 Remote desktop: automatically logoff when disconnected 2012-06-27T17:49:52.690

4 Windows 7 hangs at Logoff 2010-02-03T18:07:13.473

4 Windows 7 logging off standard users 2010-02-27T09:56:13.203

4 Log off as local "administrator" user, get blank login screen 2010-08-19T18:25:30.613

4 How do I auto log off users from Ubuntu 2013-12-15T15:59:36.810

3 No signal after log off/ switch user 2011-10-24T19:40:33.483

3 How do I remove the logoff option from the Windows XP shutdown dialog? 2012-08-02T18:39:30.293

3 Run a program before Logoff and wait for finish 2014-12-22T19:43:11.867

3 Windows 10 log on and log off event when I wasn't active? 2018-01-26T10:41:53.750

2 Allow Non Administrator User To Launch iTunes When Another User Already Has iTunes Open 2011-05-16T19:39:17.577

2 Log-off Scripts in Windows 7 2011-06-16T19:01:52.220

2 Force users (on a mac) to log off after inactivity 2012-01-02T13:46:29.400

2 AppleScript to logoff Mac user after closing an application? 2012-08-03T02:17:20.600

2 My computer keeps logging out by itself (Windows 8) 2012-11-29T19:55:37.527

2 How to disable the sound when logging off / locking / switching users? 2015-10-18T17:54:31.270

2 How to stop Windows from EVER automatically logging off the current user? 2016-05-24T17:23:31.523

1 Windows 7 starter will not shutdown or logoff 2010-06-08T22:32:37.943

1 Intercept a Windows XP logoff or shutdown with a custom message 2011-03-22T14:28:14.340

1 Intermittent problems switching users 2011-04-20T01:19:42.870

1 Windows starts and immediately log off 2011-04-29T11:14:16.637

1 Computer shuts down when I logoff 2011-11-02T16:39:15.840

1 Windows XP stay logged in 2012-08-30T00:23:58.013

1 Active Directory Auto Logoff Timer 2013-06-21T16:54:55.797

1 Run task at logoff and wait until it finishes 2014-05-23T07:50:40.050

1 Is there a script "to log remote users off and after log them off to delete their profiles? 2014-06-04T10:01:49.260

1 How can I make Windows XP automatically logoff 2 hours after logging in? 2015-03-11T04:17:33.900

1 How to determine which program is causing Window to have trouble logging off or shutting down? 2015-05-10T04:24:03.137

1 Windows 8.1 session logoff on RDP disconnect 2015-07-15T15:37:05.200

1 force log off after UAC has been disabled 2015-09-30T18:56:25.723

1 Modifying default behavior of 'Logoff' Windows 7 Pro 2015-11-16T17:15:13.150

1 Windows 10 randomly automatically logs user out while I'm using it 2015-12-14T14:07:17.570

1 How to Replace Shutdown command with Switch User+Monitor off 2017-04-24T15:28:04.800

1 Executing a batch script on Windows 10 shutdown/logoff/reboot 2017-07-12T10:18:30.560

0 Windows XP immediately logs out after logging in 2010-02-13T06:53:56.810

0 Sound does not play when locking WinXP 2011-01-14T06:56:16.607

0 Run a .bat file upon logoff, windows XP, no domain controller 2012-06-20T17:54:51.703

0 Kill a process when user presses “logoff”, “shutdown” or “restart” 2012-09-13T05:38:49.553

0 How can I remotely log someone off from my Google (Chrome) account? 2013-09-28T14:33:25.047

0 how to start a long running program at system start and stop at login and restart at logoff 2014-05-12T12:08:57.507

0 windows 7 rdp logon - run one program and auto logoff 2014-09-22T06:00:32.333

0 (Windows 8) Change power button to log off 2014-10-21T20:04:55.807

0 How can I trigger all running non-Windows processes to close? 2015-02-18T09:59:37.587

0 How to save the state of a VirtualBox guest OS VM on a Windows host logout? 2015-09-08T15:55:11.003

0 How does Windows 7 handle leaving programs open when you log out and opening them again when you log back in? 2016-05-23T13:00:08.967

0 Windows XP log off script not running 2016-05-24T07:02:54.530

0 Add Logoff script for stand-alone workstation? 2016-10-10T04:09:09.300

0 Windows 10 desktop closes command line if left overnight 2017-05-11T17:17:48.253

0 What happens to running programs when you log off with them running in Windows 7? 2018-05-02T17:22:50.460

0 Windows running 24/7: logged in vs logged off 2018-08-06T09:59:14.987

0 log off using task manager and .bat file on Windows 7 Pro 2019-11-08T17:00:42.820

-1 How to Create a Windows Task that activates on event in Powershell 2017-10-03T20:47:23.810