Tag: ipv4

252 What's the difference between and 2015-08-02T13:17:54.277

88 Strange dotless decimal notation of IP address... How does it work? 2014-04-02T01:38:27.017

75 Is there any benefit to using IPv6 on my home network? 2009-09-19T17:43:26.047

46 Why do ISPs change your IP address? 2013-05-02T02:03:25.433

39 How to force Java to use IPv4 instead IPv6? 2012-07-25T08:37:50.720

38 Why can't I use the first or last address in a subnet? 2016-08-09T07:45:24.993

36 How can every single device on a network have a different public IP? 2016-08-01T01:52:58.410

32 Why do I get "General Failure" when pinging host name on a Win 7 node on the network? 2012-06-06T15:06:54.957

30 Can a domain name have both IP addresses (IPv6 and IPv4)? 2015-10-29T05:27:17.943

28 Why can I ping addresses from a subnet? 2019-09-30T04:51:19.113

26 Why does the “Internet of Things” enforce the need for IPv6 addresses? 2015-10-30T22:25:21.840

18 How do client applications know to use IPv4 or IPv6? 2012-03-22T18:24:55.233

17 What does it mean to have a subnet mask /32? 2019-08-20T13:10:47.847

14 What about IPv4 class E? 2012-08-19T22:48:38.743

14 Is there any reason to subnet a home network? 2012-09-26T00:50:01.510

14 How can I figure out what IPv6 to use if I want to set a static IP for my computer? 2013-01-05T13:14:19.473

13 4in6 tunneling (via OpenVPN?) 2012-10-23T09:26:53.567

12 Does NAT provide security? 2011-01-25T20:51:15.410

12 Why is tracert showing a private IP address right after my router, even though it has a public IP? 2014-07-07T10:09:32.293

11 Why can I ping 127.1? 2013-07-01T04:22:59.657

11 What is the difference between and my assigned IPv4 address? 2015-04-04T04:43:43.920

10 How can I setup an IPv6 network in this way? 2009-10-24T20:23:46.783

10 How to put two subnets next to each other? 2013-04-18T13:53:36.143

9 Tracking my home IP from anywhere on the internet? 2011-02-21T20:16:55.077

9 add multiple static ip addresses to a server with systemd-networkd 2014-07-02T07:02:57.980

9 Optimal setting for advanced parameters for Realtek PCI-e GBE family network card 2014-12-16T22:32:02.120

8 Doubt In default time to live (TTL) 255? 2014-02-26T06:29:01.377

8 Why does "ipconfig"not work in my windows 8 elevated command prompt? 2014-10-27T01:06:20.500

7 IPv6 Tunnel via Own Linux (IPv6-connected) Server 2011-07-01T01:19:00.740

7 Does disabling IPv6 decrease my surface area of attack and increase performance? 2012-05-14T16:32:02.920

7 Unable to ping broadcast address 2014-02-16T14:30:43.263

7 Throttled download speeds on new router with Comcast (ipv6 vs ipv4) 2014-10-18T14:09:15.727

7 Is a class C private IP address range (or even class A or B) both theoretical and practical or is it just theoretical? 2018-06-27T01:00:35.677

6 How do I properly access Google through IPV6? 2011-09-14T16:29:30.113

6 Exactly how many valid IPv4 addresses are there? 2014-05-25T13:46:58.947

6 ssh from IPv4 to IPv6 2015-08-04T23:52:06.573

5 Possible to Use IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time? 2009-12-09T03:35:19.517

5 Is it possible to use IPv6 in LAN with router only supporting IPv4? 2009-12-13T21:02:08.683

5 What happens when all IP addresses run out? 2010-02-01T08:18:51.417

5 IPv4, IPv6 and IPTables 2012-06-13T20:09:01.787

5 How to block a program from using IPv4? 2012-11-19T12:44:54.377

5 Is there a way to test alternate IPv4 routes? 2012-12-15T01:19:33.487

5 VirtualBox not allowing me to modify IPv4 Network Mask? 2014-01-27T10:10:15.273

5 Blocked by Group Policy: trying to install TCP/IPv4 (Windows 10) 2015-11-30T19:30:35.837

5 What does (Preferred), (Tentative) and (Duplicate) mean against an IPv4 Address with ipconfig 2016-07-05T10:40:40.030

5 Ubuntu virtualbox guest does not get ipv4 in bridged mode 2016-11-15T18:07:49.130

5 I can ping IPv6 but not IPv4 2017-12-19T21:23:19.710

4 How to get started with TCP/IP v6? 2010-05-16T20:49:04.387

4 What are the equivalent IPV6 versions of IPV4 special-use adresses? 2012-02-23T18:27:31.197

4 Install Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) on Windows 7 2013-03-08T21:33:07.063

4 From where does IP geographical location data come? 2013-04-14T21:30:16.277

4 Get IPv6 address of an IPv4 machine? 2013-05-25T14:20:33.030

4 IPV4 address changes so it's hard to host a server. How do I change this? 2013-12-20T15:28:10.613

4 Why does writing IP addresses this alternate way work, and is there a practical use case for it? 2014-02-17T14:31:45.393

4 How to get network ip address via windows command prompt? 2014-02-20T06:50:35.020

4 Dynamic DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6 (using freedns.afraid.org or others) 2014-02-20T14:16:13.807

4 Definition of 'send_redirect' in Linux IPv4 context 2014-10-28T23:54:01.977

4 Leading zeros in IPv4 address; is that a no-no by convention or standard? 2015-06-17T16:10:46.307

4 Accessing an IPv6 server with an IPv4 address? 2015-10-04T18:20:46.073

4 What is IPv4 Autoconfiguration and why it overwrites static IP 2017-08-22T05:44:03.997

4 Remote desktop to a machine on ipv6 from ipv4 network 2018-03-01T11:17:14.887

3 Change permission to /proc/net/ip_conntrack on Ubuntu server 9.10 2010-03-28T10:22:38.923

3 Ping myself, works with ipv6 not ipv4 in Windows 7 2011-02-21T17:31:18.617

3 Should I get a router with ipv6 support? 2011-03-27T16:30:43.930

3 Why were the ipv4 private address ranges chosen to be what they are? 2011-08-24T19:00:26.570

3 Can I prioritize IPv6 traffic over IPv4 traffic on Linux? 2012-10-05T09:17:05.677

3 6to4 vs ISATAP vs Teredo Adapters 2013-02-23T17:28:03.610

3 Disable IPV4 on one interface using CMD 2013-11-06T15:45:31.283

3 How does the separation between IP addresses on the internet and on the LAN work? 2014-02-10T22:40:43.060

3 Is it normal for a hosting service to require that I buy a public IPv4 for using my own $25 certificate? 2014-04-24T23:28:50.080

3 Is an openVPN with ipv6 more secure than PPTP VPN with ipv4? 2014-12-23T22:44:23.537

3 Make socat listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 stacks 2015-02-18T15:10:27.250

3 IPv4 connectivity to IPv6-only host 2015-11-22T17:22:39.333

3 Translating IPv6 packets to IPv4 packets to reach a game server 2016-03-11T10:03:07.560

3 Can we use IPv6 addresses only? 2016-04-21T05:19:19.003

3 Can’t see my shared resources from my server in a client computer, connected through a VPN 2016-11-25T18:46:50.267

3 Make IPv6 Server accessible for IPv4 Networks 2016-12-15T12:38:53.563

3 Can IPv6 in IPv4 enable inbound access to PC behind NAT over the Internet? 2017-04-05T05:54:47.713

3 How web browser determines when to use IPv4 or IPv6 to connect to the destination? 2017-04-12T19:55:05.397

3 How does number of subnets affect the subnet mask you choose? 2017-06-14T10:45:39.447

3 How to SSH to IPv6 only VPS if my ISP only supports IPv4? 2018-07-26T17:28:40.213

3 Do I still need an ipv4 address? Can I just use an ipv6? 2019-02-02T22:31:05.990

2 How common is fancy IP math accepted by tools? 2009-09-02T06:04:17.223

2 Wireless Internet is "Unidentified"? 2010-12-19T04:46:39.617

2 When and why does Gateway Metric become equal to Interface Metric ? (Windows network Adapters) 2011-07-05T22:08:36.593

2 Using router public IP to access another (located in WAN) router behind NAT 2011-08-09T17:27:34.613

2 Windows IP conflict after setting Static IP 2011-11-30T20:19:45.870

2 SSH tunnel in Ubuntu 2011-12-16T17:52:52.947

2 How can I make localhost resolve to instead of ::1? 2012-01-12T12:17:16.800

2 How does CIDR slow the exhaustion of IPv4? 2012-02-27T04:40:27.720

2 Windows 7 ipv4 autoconfiguration - cannot connect to internet 2012-09-09T08:43:52.837

2 Prefer IPv6 over IPv4 in Windows Server 2003 2012-10-20T07:59:36.840

2 Why is my computer suddenly using NBNS instead of DNS? 2013-08-08T15:37:32.420

2 In TSPC IPv6 tunneling, is a tunnel broker required for IPv4 to IPv4 communication? 2013-08-12T12:49:12.953

2 Is it possible to change my IPv4 address? 2014-04-01T02:59:58.640

2 IPv6 only LAN with NAT64 router for Internet 2014-04-11T04:59:13.687

2 static IP outside of subnet range 2014-06-16T19:07:10.350

2 Limit on hops in IPv4 and IPv6 2014-09-24T05:51:23.457

2 How Duplicate address is detected in lan for ipv4 networks 2015-01-10T10:16:51.173