Tag: htop

80 htop isn't returning CPU or memory usage!? 2011-09-22T15:54:53.290

39 Is there a way to copy text in htop? 2014-09-10T21:36:38.587

38 What do the colors mean in htop? 2014-01-08T03:37:55.983

29 How to compress or hide the processors at top of htop on large machines? 2014-09-03T09:53:55.017

17 How to freeze the list of processes in htop? 2016-02-08T07:59:18.250

16 Run htop over ssh via single command 2014-04-22T12:49:17.400

15 Sorted tree view in htop or alternative? 2014-05-02T04:55:32.900

12 How to collapse all trees in htop? 2014-12-20T17:52:48.693

9 How do I read htop 2013-01-23T01:54:39.140

9 How to install htop on OS X using Homebrew? 2013-05-22T11:19:25.357

9 What do the yellow color of CPU mean in htop? 2016-04-07T10:22:42.167

9 htop - what is task, thread and running? 2016-12-27T21:06:46.467

8 How to make htop sort by PID 2011-04-27T04:50:55.500

7 Why does htop on Mac OS X require root privileges to see data for all processes, but on Linux it runs without root 2015-10-03T18:27:59.463

6 htop does not show all processes 2012-08-05T19:55:15.250

5 How to stop htop controlling terminal's mouse? 2016-10-08T07:07:28.560

5 How to filter multiple users in htop? 2018-05-15T12:34:08.653

4 "Supervising" syslog-ng in htop 2011-02-09T21:45:09.417

4 Can't delete meters on htop with the delete key 2016-06-12T00:43:49.697

3 How to view child process sorted by aggregate memory usage? 2015-10-15T15:29:07.043

3 Messed layout in "htop" 2017-09-18T09:25:35.657

2 Why do I see 100% CPU spikes when looking at htop? 2011-02-17T18:47:51.200

2 Convert htop output to HTML 2013-09-30T15:46:11.943

2 About Load average in htop, how to decide if it's still doing ok? 2013-11-04T03:13:24.017

2 Is there a way to copy text in htop on Mac OSX? 2016-03-25T14:37:15.187

2 How is this machine at 100% cpu when there is nothing high on the htop list? 2016-09-24T02:05:22.480

2 What does high CPU load in htop for processes with status S mean? 2017-03-09T12:23:38.137

2 htop : swapping when still having freememory 2018-01-11T14:23:59.677

2 What does ? status in htop mean? 2018-12-21T12:06:50.253

2 HTOP shows massive memory usage but proceslist shows otherwise 2018-12-22T17:00:51.793

1 How does cpu speed stepping effect the cpu usage percentages reported in (for example) htop? 2012-05-30T22:49:16.317

1 rm -rf extremely slow & slows down server 2013-03-14T01:04:39.897

1 htop status bars in motd 2014-04-18T19:32:57.343

1 How to interpret this htop output? 2014-08-13T18:48:49.363

1 Gnome-terminal color inversion 2014-11-10T09:20:26.617

1 Why doesn't htop show LED mode meters with box-drawing characters? 2018-04-13T10:04:47.150

1 What am I seeing in htop on Linux? 2018-05-30T09:03:47.387

1 Copy text from htop with long line 2018-06-14T14:39:22.660

1 htop memory usage does not add up with process list 2018-07-09T12:34:02.850

1 How to install "htop" without root previllege 2019-06-18T06:33:45.737

1 Why there are some black block in my htop display? 2019-10-02T00:23:52.837

0 LINUX: How to make 'htop' sort? F6 works, but won't let me select anything 2013-09-02T00:32:24.723

0 analyzing htop data in ubuntu 2014-07-14T14:18:14.140

0 Why Menu Meter and htop report inconsistent occupied memory and total memory? 2015-05-19T15:02:22.947

0 Should I trust htop or top when it comes to RES memory? 2015-07-31T12:55:50.713

0 How do I use top (or equivalent) to determine if a process is behaving badly? 2016-07-23T00:18:11.733

0 Is there a way to monitor email volume from terminal? 2017-02-05T20:27:13.137

0 How to run htop on remote pc? 2017-04-29T10:33:33.447

0 How to configure htop to highlight other user names with gray 2017-05-25T07:39:32.547

0 Linux How to htop specific commands 2018-03-09T09:49:34.643

0 How are we supposed to use conda to install packages for non super server accounts? 2019-04-15T10:15:35.883

0 How to Collapse the View of **ALL** instances of all applications 2019-07-24T15:19:09.193

0 Why does HTOP show bigger usage than defined in cgroup 'memory.limit_in_bytes' parameter? 2019-08-22T12:44:24.677

0 How to obtain more forensics information on a process showing on htop in a linux system? 2020-01-02T17:50:37.770

0 What is the real command to know the total real time CPU % status on Linux env and what is the ideal value 2020-02-26T00:19:39.647