Tag: fish

96 chain Fish commands via `&&` or `||` 2012-07-10T03:01:59.097

42 Is there any way to get bash to have syntax highlighting like fish? 2011-06-30T00:18:35.847

36 Is there a “reverse incremental search” functionality in Fish similar to Bash’s CTRL+R? 2013-08-04T23:08:30.110

35 re-use '~/.profile` for Fish? 2012-07-10T02:41:17.243

31 What is the equivalent of bash's !$ and !! in the fish shell? 2014-02-20T18:34:00.310

24 Why am I having / how can I fix this error: "shell_session_update: command not found" 2016-02-22T19:11:40.037

21 How to remove a path from $PATH variable in fish? 2014-07-02T12:21:30.300

19 sudo keeps asking me for my password in fish shell 2011-06-15T14:17:09.747

15 How to use fish shell in cygwin? 2011-08-26T14:03:25.613

14 How do I change EDITOR to be Pico in fish shell? 2012-06-08T06:20:59.643

14 Bind shift-tab to complete-backward in fish 2013-11-05T15:22:47.570

14 How to run a command in background with no output unless there's an error 2015-07-23T03:13:44.273

11 How do you "source" a file in fish? 2009-12-17T15:33:28.540

11 How to do command substitution in fish shell? 2014-03-15T13:26:28.720

10 $PATH is driving me nuts 2012-10-01T21:03:17.670

10 How do I install/make a custom prompt for fish shell? 2013-06-03T22:45:18.663

10 Add abbreviations in fish config 2016-03-06T13:21:43.413

9 Make bash as close to fish as possible 2017-07-31T14:27:26.880

8 How to keep terminal window title in sync with tmux window 2016-07-07T15:24:32.473

8 Reuse .bash_profile for Fish in Mac 2016-12-01T14:10:24.637

7 Right and fast way to test git directory and git branch? 2012-09-12T03:54:17.487

7 How to get Fish shell and NVM both installed with Homebrew to work together? 2015-04-23T15:16:27.433

7 Where does fish_config save its settings? 2017-08-23T17:25:08.653

5 fish control-left control-right keybindings 2012-04-07T06:53:18.250

5 Go-lang go tool works with Bash but not Fish 2013-11-22T04:35:54.927

5 Is there a way to "source" a sh script from the fish shell? 2014-10-14T21:31:14.850

5 How do I get fish shell prompt to show the hostname? 2015-06-28T06:00:47.037

4 Using MacPorts within FISH shell 2012-06-14T02:56:57.373

4 "set -xe" in fish shell 2012-11-01T13:48:59.860

4 When default shell is not bash-compatible, why do bash scripts not work well? 2012-11-16T17:17:31.483

4 How can I do string manipulation in fish shell 2014-03-05T04:26:52.073

4 Fish terminal + iTerm, only run shell integration if terminal is iTerm 2016-05-03T20:44:07.917

4 Why it is not recommend to set default shell for root uset to a non-POSIX shell? 2018-04-24T09:34:46.383

3 Quote or bracket completion in bash, without pressing TAB 2013-08-09T13:20:17.787

3 Change prompt on command line? 2014-05-09T18:12:19.593

3 How can I enable tab completion for a fish function/alias? 2014-11-29T02:11:02.687

3 Running the output of `ssh-agent` in fish; what does `setenv` do? 2015-09-03T13:57:16.117

3 How to expand aliases in fish shell? 2016-06-21T21:20:21.740

3 In fish shell, which command is equivalent to bash's compgen? 2016-07-19T15:33:53.127

3 What's causing the file is not executable by user on the windows subsystem for linux? 2017-11-22T19:32:22.447

3 Fish Shell - can't find where "la" is defined as "ls -la" 2019-08-26T10:59:29.560

3 What's the easiest way to prepend the current time to the fish prompt? 2019-11-19T17:30:11.650

2 How do I set the title of Terminal.app with the fish shell? 2009-12-15T17:41:21.493

2 How do you install pythonbrew when using the Fish Shell? 2012-06-23T19:22:00.453

2 Specifying an alternate shell with rsync 2013-11-22T20:55:47.030

2 How do I run make && make install while in fish shell 2014-01-07T08:56:14.023

2 Fish shell syntax highlighting looks weird in byobu-screen 2014-02-01T19:52:02.117

2 How to sync fish's universal variables across different computers? 2014-02-28T00:51:47.337

2 writing more complex math input to fish shell 2014-04-08T04:45:30.153

2 My custom fish shell prompt keeps resetting every reboot 2014-06-29T11:32:16.667

2 Can't start new fish session after incorrectly closing fish_config 2014-09-12T21:29:42.543

2 What's the fatest way to calculate in command line? 2015-07-30T20:08:52.310

2 How to get fish-style formatting with less 2015-08-03T13:24:49.547

2 Is administrator account necessary in order to use shells such as zsh and fish? 2015-10-10T01:08:17.690

2 How to chain a group of commands in Fish like { … } Bash? 2016-01-15T10:26:38.033

2 PYTHONPATH Getting set in Bash Shell to incorrect value 2016-08-18T18:08:42.007

2 Combining functions in Fish 2016-12-20T07:13:14.990

2 Using Fish + NVM + Sublime results in commands not found 2017-02-24T23:51:26.040

2 In fish shell, how to select with the cursor while shift is held? 2018-02-14T21:22:59.310

2 Fish Shell - Virtualenv path not prepended to PATH 2019-01-22T06:26:57.080

2 Void folder is taking megabytes of space in OSX 2019-01-25T16:36:45.863

2 Powerline and Fish: How can I remove the large whitespace between the shell prompt and cursor? 2019-02-15T04:51:23.420

2 How to Expand Abbreviations Inline in Fish Shell? 2019-03-17T14:37:04.143

1 run any shell script from Fish and import all exported env variables? 2012-07-10T03:00:03.063

1 fish.config doesn't get loaded on new tab in TotalTerminal on OSX 2012-08-21T07:50:24.313

1 How to use the $_ positional parameter in the fish shell? 2013-05-27T03:47:03.997

1 sshfs or fish:// with root (ssh) login disabled 2013-06-12T11:17:12.100

1 Building Fish 2.0 shell under Cygwin 2013-06-13T12:40:09.983

1 Fish - A way to configure it such that it does not scroll through tab completions with tab 2013-10-03T23:42:25.063

1 Setting window title with iTerm and Fish 2014-03-14T02:03:21.437

1 "." command doesn't work in fish 2014-08-11T09:22:00.743

1 How to set fish as default shell in Cygwin? 2014-10-27T10:29:46.310

1 How to get byobu help screen (shift-F1) to work under a fish login shell? 2014-11-14T11:53:40.130

1 Custom bash 'context' when running from FISH 2015-02-09T12:20:55.577

1 $status in Fish prompt always prints 0 2015-03-24T04:28:52.483

1 Escape-backspace behavior in fish shell like in other shells 2015-06-09T19:16:54.077

1 RVM is not a function message when using fish shell 2015-07-22T22:02:13.413

1 Creating an alias for in fish shell: The file 'vim' is not executable by this user 2015-08-11T16:52:18.417

1 For what purpose is the '&-' file descriptor used in fish? 2015-11-01T20:08:36.957

1 Using rbenv with the fish shell 2015-12-29T02:12:36.480

1 Ctrl-enter for fish shell 2016-03-23T17:52:17.997

1 Pipe in Environment variable in fish shell doesn't execute the first command? 2016-05-01T18:34:45.597

1 Different options for installing Fish shell on OS X 2016-06-13T16:57:06.333

1 Change color of hostname in Fish shell prompt 2017-02-20T06:31:54.467

1 Why does fish shell create a hidden process in iTerm2 2017-04-20T12:14:53.693

1 What, if any, is the equivalent of bash's select...in...do..done in fish? 2017-05-16T22:55:23.127

1 Error on iTerm2 fish shell load: `function: Illegal function name '-v'` 2017-06-06T18:34:57.460

1 Change the color of the omitted newline char in fish shell 2017-06-30T06:11:50.140

1 Two questions about adding custom content to config.fish 2017-11-07T18:22:29.850

1 Issue with wrong command entered in fish-shell and it's output 2018-04-22T18:22:48.717

1 fish shell, enter long command 2018-05-27T02:08:37.280

1 how to open tcp connection in fish shell 2018-06-08T09:49:21.767

1 Setup different path for fish shell temporally 2018-10-05T08:31:30.077

1 Wrap command with options in fish function 2018-10-13T17:56:44.850

1 Failed to login after setting fish as default shell 2019-01-17T21:25:17.233

1 How to combine the output of multiple commands in fish? 2019-02-13T06:21:15.837

1 Fish generated Rsync command has unexpected effects 2019-03-28T15:08:37.017

1 No colors in weechat, tig, htop, ranger, etc 2019-04-01T20:17:38.127

1 vim displays rbg codes in quickfix bar before error output 2019-05-03T09:54:30.100