fish.config doesn't get loaded on new tab in TotalTerminal on OSX


I want to add Android SDK tools to my $PATH variable. I've entered the following to ~/.config/fish/

set -x PATH $PWD/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/tools $PATH

set -x PATH $PWD/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools $PATH

It works in the initial window when I start TotalTerminal, but when I open another tab (with Cmd+T), the path is not set, as if is not loaded when I open another tab. Any help?


Posted 2012-08-21T07:50:24.313

Reputation: 113



You're almost there. Replace $PWD with $HOME so that fish will look for the android tools relative to your homefolder instead of the current folder you're browsing. Correct lines should therefore be:

set -x PATH $HOME/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/tools $PATH
set -x PATH $HOME/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools $PATH

You could also declare the scope to be global by adding a g to the -x parameter.

For more info on the syntax for set, please look at the fish man-page:


Posted 2012-08-21T07:50:24.313

Reputation: 24