What's the fatest way to calculate in command line?


Is there a faster way to calculate in command line the following:

echo "4 * 5" | bc


Posted 2015-07-30T20:08:52.310

Reputation: 131

1Which shell are you using? – heavyd – 2015-07-30T20:15:05.307

1Too many echos. – ctrl-alt-delor – 2015-07-30T20:16:12.000

1bc <<< "4 * 5" – ctrl-alt-delor – 2015-07-30T20:17:23.840

4Do you mean faster as in less keystrokes or as in lower execution time? – mpy – 2015-07-30T20:20:54.923

@heavyd: I use Fish Shell. – Texom512 – 2015-07-30T20:34:29.090

1@mpy: less keystrokes – Texom512 – 2015-07-30T20:35:22.060



I'd like to add a solution for the Z shell, unfortunately I know almost nothing about fish, so that I could adapt this for fish syntax. Sorry!

I define a funcion c:

function c { echo $@ | bc }

And I set an alias for c, so that no file globbing takes place (and I can omit the quotes around expressions especially including a star:

alias c="noglob c"

Then I can do calculations like this:

$ c 4*5
$ c 1.5*2^8

That are 3 keystrokes (including the final ENTER) more than the actual expression to be calculated. Can be improved... perhaps with keybindings.


Posted 2015-07-30T20:08:52.310

Reputation: 20 866

This also works in case of fizsh, that's close :) – theoden8 – 2015-08-02T01:06:56.047


POSIX-compatible Shells (dash ksh bash zsh and many more)

There's a built-in method for that. Use $(()) construction to do it:

echo $((4 * 5))

It does not call any functions, so it's faster.

Let's compare the ways (zsh):

$ time ( echo "4 * 5" | bc )
( echo "4 * 5" | bc; )  0.00s user 0.00s system 61% cpu 0.007 total

$ time ( echo $((4 * 5)) )
( echo $((4 * 5)); )  0.00s user 0.00s system 48% cpu 0.001 total

However, $(()) has a lot of restrictions and is capable to do only basic arithmetical operations.

C Shells (csh tcsh)

I don't think there is a one-expression solution in C Shells. However, it is possible to do the following:

@ i = 4 * 5 ; printf "$i\n"


Probably, math "4 * 5" works faster.


Posted 2015-07-30T20:08:52.310

Reputation: 644


A more general answer than the better (in this case) $(( )) answer is to use <<<

e.g. bc <<< "4 * 5" Here we don't need to use echo, we just send the argument into stdin.


Posted 2015-07-30T20:08:52.310

Reputation: 1 886

Lol, never thought of it. – theoden8 – 2015-07-30T20:22:13.147

That isn't work with fish shell... – Texom512 – 2015-07-30T20:47:04.073

This is bash shell – glenn jackman – 2015-08-02T00:59:24.177