Tag: find

241 How can I find files that are bigger/smaller than x bytes? 2010-10-28T23:09:03.383

170 How can I find only the executable files under a certain directory in Linux? 2009-09-10T11:56:56.407

152 Unix/Linux find and sort by date modified 2011-06-07T18:23:57.763

148 How to ignore certain filenames using "find"? 2012-03-05T23:28:16.087

139 Invoking vi through find | xargs breaks my terminal. Why? 2011-09-15T16:26:21.960

133 How do I find a file by filename in Mac OSX terminal? 2010-12-28T17:42:34.363

95 Case Insensitive search from find command? 2011-04-29T20:55:18.983

84 Delete matching files in all subdirectories 2010-02-22T13:58:05.927

83 Finding files which contain a certain string using find (1) and grep (1) 2013-07-02T09:24:45.720

77 How to search for ? (question mark) in Excel 2012-08-07T12:23:02.993

73 How can I recursively copy files by file extension, preserving directory structure? 2011-06-21T04:41:29.883

71 How can I search a file by its name and partial path? 2012-03-13T08:42:06.523

58 How do I execute multiple commands when using find? 2011-01-22T21:52:08.017

53 Find files filtered by multiple extensions 2010-04-01T01:31:40.227

53 Is there any way of making Ctrl+f in Chrome use the selected text, as per Firefox? 2011-04-09T09:20:25.083

48 Find all files on server with 777 permissions 2009-11-15T22:53:51.977

41 Find all files that are NOT of a specific type/extension in folder? 2011-08-26T06:40:41.693

38 Equivalent of Unix find command on Windows 2012-03-16T15:10:58.107

38 Deleting millions of files 2013-11-23T16:28:51.810

37 Exclude hidden files when searching with Unix/Linux find? 2010-06-15T21:19:42.813

37 Bash script to delete files older than x days with subdirectories 2012-01-05T16:18:13.733

36 find / grep command without searching mounted shares 2011-01-05T15:27:56.643

31 How to combine the 'tar' command with 'find' 2012-12-01T14:23:50.280

28 Use rsync to copy all files except for certain filenames with a certain extension 2010-02-05T16:08:46.327

28 How can I use '{}' to redirect the output of a command run through find's -exec option? 2011-01-10T20:56:20.297

27 How can I edit all the files returned by find in vi in Linux? 2011-09-15T15:46:29.017

26 How can I force only relative paths in "find" output? 2009-11-12T09:12:42.937

25 What's the difference between the find and findstr commands in Windows? 2011-07-05T17:12:03.267

25 Convert symlinks to hard links 2013-03-04T13:30:10.200

22 Faster alternatives to "find" and "locate"? 2011-09-29T13:15:30.350

21 avoid permission denied spam when using find-command 2010-08-24T10:54:21.357

20 Linux command to find files changed in the last n seconds 2011-06-21T17:41:40.257

20 Create symlinks recursively for a whole tree 2011-11-12T22:09:26.843

19 How to move only files in Unix 2009-11-04T15:26:06.167

19 Linux find folder inside subfolders 2011-01-21T13:29:01.220

19 Ubuntu Linux: find files between specific times? 2013-04-09T09:23:18.690

18 Ubuntu grep, find etc: "Permission denied" and "No such file or directory" output 2012-01-24T17:08:31.460

18 Difference between '{}' and {} in find command? 2015-11-03T19:53:31.170

17 How to Combine find and grep for a complex search? ( GNU/linux, find, grep ) 2009-09-24T13:08:37.100

17 Linux find/search root partition ONLY? 2010-06-11T13:02:43.640

17 On Linux, how can I find all files that contain a string and delete them? 2013-04-20T15:44:32.993

17 How do I find all files that are *not* group writeable? 2013-04-25T15:04:30.480

17 How do I make "find" exclude the folder it searches in? 2013-05-02T07:10:57.370

17 How can I make `find` find files in reverse chronological order? 2013-06-17T22:23:02.557

16 How to use ack to search for file name 2010-04-25T12:11:24.970

16 How to list all source files (*.c, *.cpp, *.h) 2011-02-14T18:25:37.123

16 How to run sed on over 10 million files in a directory? 2011-03-14T02:03:12.980

16 Using `find` for multiple file extensions 2012-04-24T22:24:27.210

16 find command cannot find my files which do exist 2019-02-20T05:50:58.367

15 Supresss the 'no such file or directory' message from 'find' 2012-02-25T01:23:44.620

15 find files with ACLs set 2012-03-08T14:49:35.537

14 Copy all files and folders excluding subversion files and folders on OS X 2009-09-28T14:23:16.367

14 Using Windows Explorer, how to find file names starting with a dot (period), in 7 or Vista? 2010-04-18T15:44:34.073

14 Is there a way in Sublime Text to display find results in a panel at the bottom of the current window? 2014-11-05T10:36:46.107

13 How to remove all files that were created n minutes ago in linux 2010-03-04T17:04:23.880

13 How do I get files found by command-line 'find' ordered by modification date in OS X? 2011-06-18T08:30:29.567

13 Is it possible to find a printer's physical location in a building by its IP adress? 2011-08-24T12:57:26.113

13 How do you search for specific text in specific file types? 2011-08-25T21:35:07.440

13 Find directories containing a certain number of files 2013-07-08T17:04:13.787

13 How do I return only file names from the find command? 2013-07-16T19:41:23.280

13 Batch run mogrify including subdirectories 2013-10-20T02:22:42.080

12 Making BASH script `for` handle filenames with spaces (or workaround) 2009-12-30T23:19:54.353

12 Is there any way to find similar files (not duplicates)? 2010-06-20T13:45:25.517

12 breadth-first option in the Linux `find' utility? 2010-09-30T11:09:49.053

12 How do I parse the output of the find command when filenames have spaces in them? 2012-04-07T22:59:21.413

11 find command in Linux to locate pdf files 2010-05-25T23:27:32.027

11 How to physically reorder files `03.mp3 01.mp3 02.mp3` (`ls -f`) in a directory? 2012-01-01T19:38:49.453

11 is there an 'upwards' find? 2012-07-31T09:26:53.763

10 I would like to pipe output of find into input list of scp, how? 2009-10-05T18:27:51.140

10 find: -exec vs xargs (aka Why does "find | xargs basename" break?) 2009-10-08T16:01:26.010

10 How to count total number of lines of found files? 2011-03-20T17:46:57.437

10 How to find files that don't belong to a given user 2011-10-13T10:26:11.273

10 Windows 10: Cortana Search is not finding portable applications 2015-09-28T12:10:21.513

10 How to find and replace line(s) in multiple files using Notepad++? 2015-11-22T03:45:23.247

10 Windows 7 - Find all files that are alone in a folder 2016-02-06T17:20:52.990

10 Find all directories that contain a certain character and print them out 2017-06-11T11:32:56.013

10 unix find command on cmder.exe in windows 2017-06-14T10:10:58.710

9 How can I search directories starting with a certain letter? 2009-12-08T00:01:44.993

9 find command doesn't seem to work in cygwin 2010-03-31T15:50:26.017

9 Using find -mmin to find files with modification time in the future 2012-04-24T14:17:57.250

9 Why backslash before asterisk in `find`? 2014-05-04T13:31:49.580

8 How to limit Unix find number of results to handle directories with many files 2010-02-22T19:43:02.157

8 DOS Batch file to find "new" files by date 2011-08-21T16:16:50.137

8 How do I run this `find` command, but only on non-binary files? 2011-08-26T14:16:28.523

8 Find all files older than one minute 2012-01-27T16:26:44.980

8 Finding subdirectories inside all directories with the same name 2012-05-18T06:17:26.417

8 Find directories with all files inside older than X? 2012-06-26T05:41:16.930

8 Gracefully deleting files older than 30 days 2012-11-06T08:43:35.960

8 How can I use lookahead and lookbehind regular expressions on Linux using find? 2013-05-16T20:33:19.603

8 Is there anything faster than `find . | wc -l` to count files in a directory? 2013-12-16T21:39:07.477

7 How can I find all UTF-16 encoded text files in a directory tree with a Unix command? 2010-03-19T00:33:43.490

7 How do I find a phrase/word recursively in a file tree in Linux? 2010-08-31T13:54:48.247

7 Bash: Find folders with less than x files 2010-09-18T21:07:45.587

7 Windows command find : looking for a string OR another 2010-09-30T13:30:15.457

7 find files within a specific directory structure but a variable parent directory structure 2011-01-27T10:32:23.663

7 Is -print a useless option for find now? 2011-06-14T02:22:21.773

7 md5sum on large files 2011-07-29T20:30:16.880

7 Subshell arguments in -exec parameter for find(1) 2012-04-09T13:50:44.947

7 Find out where $PATH is defined 2012-07-01T20:08:13.200