Tag: filenames

208 How to delete a file with a path too long to be deleted 2014-05-16T20:09:03.577

203 How to delete a file in Windows with a too long filename? 2009-09-23T15:56:39.040

98 Windows 10 "Enable NTFS long paths policy" option missing 2016-09-01T10:55:54.730

86 How to force Windows to rename a file with a special character? 2009-08-28T19:46:36.863

75 What technical reasons exist for not using space characters in file names? 2009-08-25T00:25:13.500

70 How do I delete a folder which is nested quite deep and avoid "File name too long"? 2011-03-11T04:30:44.730

70 What is the significance of Windows file names that have hex numbers in them like {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}? 2015-10-28T18:57:27.797

66 What characters are safe in cross-platform file names for Linux, Windows and OS-X 2011-11-18T10:32:59.550

62 Why does `dir *.*` give me all files and folders? 2017-03-28T09:58:18.977

53 Find files filtered by multiple extensions 2010-04-01T01:31:40.227

43 What does the ~ mean in a file path? 2010-11-16T10:26:36.360

36 Did a version of Windows ever behave this way? 2012-04-18T17:49:35.497

31 How to diff file names in two directories (without writing to intermediate files)? 2011-01-04T00:21:26.803

30 Why can't I name a folder or file 'CON' in Windows? 2009-12-23T18:08:14.827

30 How can I rename a file whose name is in itself a full path (e.g. begins with "g:\")? 2013-05-02T12:39:23.397

26 How can I create a zip / tgz in Linux such that Windows has proper filenames? 2009-10-25T14:41:17.217

24 How to start/open a file/folder that contains space in its name through command-line? 2012-11-27T20:18:23.450

21 How do I recursively list filenames (only) in DOS/Windows? 2011-10-07T20:07:35.553

19 Get bare file names recursively in command prompt 2011-06-07T15:59:37.317

19 How to prevent long file name error copying from an external drive? 2011-10-23T05:34:09.940

18 On Windows, what filename extensions denote an executable? 2011-01-03T19:34:55.387

18 Windows 7 file name length limited to 129 characters 2014-09-13T03:50:39.893

17 How do I find and replace a character in filenames in Windows 7 using Explorer? 2010-10-08T13:02:13.423

17 What does a blue filename in Windows Explorer mean? 2011-06-24T14:42:45.030

16 Windows explorer sees different file name from cmd 2012-01-22T09:50:04.777

16 Which characters are invalid for an MS-DOS filename? 2018-09-28T04:06:24.147

15 How to delete file with this name on linux: -]???????q 2011-01-06T15:40:55.767

15 What is naming convention for subtitle files? 2011-10-14T15:00:39.110

14 Using Windows Explorer, how to find file names starting with a dot (period), in 7 or Vista? 2010-04-18T15:44:34.073

13 Fix encoding of German umlauts in directories and filenames (ü = u╠ê and so on) 2013-01-13T15:49:04.233

12 Making BASH script `for` handle filenames with spaces (or workaround) 2009-12-30T23:19:54.353

12 Linux copy to fat32 filesystem: invalid argument 2010-08-19T19:44:54.973

12 Filenames too long and Windows can't open the files 2012-01-10T20:46:14.897

11 How would I go about creating a filename with invalid characters such as :?> ? 2010-09-11T17:57:05.830

11 Put date into backup .tar.gz filename 2011-03-11T18:38:13.567

10 What's the difference between filename and ./filename in Linux 2010-04-23T13:59:57.320

10 How to extract the filename without the extension from a full path? 2014-03-20T05:08:09.943

9 Any option to change Windows XP default Copy Here naming from "Copy of {name}.{ext}" to "{name}.{ext}.copy" 2010-03-10T16:46:37.967

9 Powershell Bug in copy/move/rename when filename contains [square bracket characters]? 2010-11-19T17:09:45.540

9 How can zsh be configured to autocomplete directory name with camelcase matching? 2012-02-28T05:14:57.577

9 Windows Explorer sorting order for special characters? 2013-11-27T14:18:03.340

8 Create 8.3 name for an existing directory 2010-04-09T19:05:10.583

8 While renaming, How can I disable Windows 7 highlighting the entire filename when I click'n'drag across part of it? 2011-07-21T15:49:08.490

8 Go to directory with unknown name 2013-01-12T08:12:17.723

8 Create XLS or CSV from file names in folder on Windows? 2014-04-22T16:15:05.813

8 How to create folder name or file name with special characters like \ / : * ? " < > | 2016-08-10T19:17:24.790

7 script to convert ext4 filenames to ntfs 2011-05-07T01:37:44.080

7 Why do I have identical files in one directory, in Windows 7? 2012-08-20T14:08:48.507

7 Is there a way to force all file transactions with a filesystem to be UTF8 or UTF16 compliant? 2013-03-04T15:06:49.207

7 How can I scp when path and / or filename to copy has spaces? 2013-04-14T19:56:01.050

7 How to sort Google Drive search results by title? 2013-08-28T02:08:05.690

6 Replace spaces in file names from cmd line unix 2010-04-13T11:12:30.357

6 extracting file with too long of a name 2012-01-06T21:12:08.133

6 Renaming/deleting impossible filenames in Windows 7 2012-02-29T05:47:14.447

6 How to avoid writing full filenames 2012-08-17T14:19:12.137

6 How are filenames stored? 2012-11-28T03:18:02.250

6 Make every file in a Directory Structure Lowercase (Windows) 2013-05-25T20:39:56.677

6 How do I remove non-ascii characters from filenames? 2013-08-24T19:06:30.243

6 On Windows 7, how do I find all my files whose filenames are too long 2013-09-20T03:14:24.960

6 How to bulk rename numbered files? 2015-02-27T07:26:03.067

6 Windows Explorer – why at-character @ sometimes is not allowed in filenames? 2017-11-04T06:59:15.863

6 Get filename without extension in Bash 2018-09-14T00:03:09.263

5 Is there a POSIX pathname that can't name a file? 2010-01-14T11:59:26.350

5 Removing file with strange characters in filename in OS X 2010-08-04T20:50:29.673

5 What are files/directories naming conventions in linux? 2010-09-15T12:55:34.887

5 How to create a file with a "#" character in the name in Unix? 2011-04-10T04:58:57.437

5 Should all plain text files have some sort of suffix (e.g. *.txt, *.conf) 2011-05-13T13:20:02.833

5 Uploading certain files and folders via SFTP causes names to be uppercased 2011-11-30T18:13:45.930

5 Recovered Files with TestDisk, but File Names and Folder Structure is Bad 2012-04-17T00:37:46.840

5 How to fix diacritic issue on command prompt? 2012-08-22T21:12:26.013

5 Apple Automator "New PDF from Images" maintaining same filename 2012-11-21T10:26:15.490

5 Can I change the way Windows 10 gives names to screenshot? 2016-07-27T20:11:44.530

4 Handle filename with spaces inside Bash-script 2011-01-09T13:08:15.987

4 Rename file in XP, only select file name, but show file extension 2011-02-18T14:33:46.190

4 Recover ext4 filenames 2011-05-12T04:56:40.093

4 Automatically strip invalid characters from Windows filenames 2011-10-29T23:01:34.927

4 How to copy files containing | in the name? 2012-02-09T13:40:31.037

4 Is it possible to rename files in a zip archive before extracting? 2012-10-23T23:23:11.597

4 How to search for only a certain file extension for commit? 2012-11-28T18:59:45.317

4 Convention on directory of file outside /var/www 2013-02-01T13:24:53.057

4 Windows Explorer now limits my folder names to 16 characters 2013-05-21T21:48:56.363

4 7zip filename encoding problems 2013-05-30T13:15:55.077

4 Error, couldn't create file .. File name too long 2014-01-13T04:27:01.457

4 How to remove .bat extension from file name in a parameter? 2014-10-12T19:28:59.833

4 Is Gzip supposed to honor original filename during decompress? 2015-01-02T21:57:28.950

4 using notepad++ to save file without name but not able using windows explorer 2015-11-19T02:15:45.017

4 How to specify a space as part of a wildcard string for bulk renaming of files 2016-02-28T06:36:34.233

4 How can I fix broken shift-JIS filenames? 2018-12-23T16:12:44.197

3 How to batch rename files copied from OSX to Windows with ':' in filenames? 2009-10-01T18:37:28.407

3 cp copying more than what is asked 2010-11-05T21:39:16.180

3 What are the practical limits on file extension name lengths? 2011-01-14T16:47:02.890

3 How to turn off autocomplete for filenames in Windows 7? 2011-03-19T14:26:56.287

3 Auto include save date in filename? 2011-03-21T16:30:19.767

3 How to configure folder name case sensitivity in Windows 7? 2011-05-02T10:58:15.813

3 How to extract the filename extension out of %f in script? 2011-07-17T15:08:00.440

3 WinSCP can't upload file or folder with blank spaces 2012-01-25T12:03:59.770

3 function to automatically remove special characters from file names during saving in MacOS X 2012-03-11T12:37:15.437

3 OS X says "the standard extension is" .jpeg, but according to whom? 2012-06-28T01:04:00.937

3 Mac/Linux equivalent to resource monitor's disk activity with filenames? 2013-04-14T02:00:42.810