Tag: dragon-naturally-speaking

8 How do I remove all proper nouns from the Dragon Naturally Speaking dictionary? 2014-11-08T16:38:56.303

5 Keep getting the error 'Internet Explorer has stopped working...' when scrolling down a page using Dragon voice recognition software 2009-07-24T09:06:49.927

4 Why does audio dictation software like Dragon work only from the speaker's side? 2011-07-29T12:35:34.230

3 Are there any problems using Dragon NaturallySpeaking in a VirtualBox Windows guest, Linux host? 2010-02-14T06:40:43.990

3 Dragon Naturally Speaking 11: installing a non-standard language pack 2010-11-16T08:51:02.993

3 How can I prevent Dragon NaturallySpeaking capitalizing a word each time after I hit ctrl+left? 2014-02-01T01:34:40.550

3 How can I prevent Dragon NaturallySpeaking capitalizing a word each time after I click? 2014-02-03T19:51:50.193

3 Manually set the microphone volume in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-12-19T18:12:49.540

2 Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Speak the punctuation while training? 2012-08-11T19:39:25.497

2 Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 enters bad characters in certain text editors in Windows XP 2013-06-25T13:41:13.117

2 How I can get Dragon NaturallySpeaking to talk into my Linux virtual machine with VMware? 2014-01-06T13:11:30.993

2 Opening a user profile by default in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-10-14T18:50:17.273

2 Launch CMD here for Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-03-26T03:39:40.473

2 Can I disable Dragon Professional Individual's automatic capitalization in some programs? 2017-03-26T19:53:39.460

2 Why does Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 think that Chrome is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) program? 2018-04-04T05:16:37.797

2 How can I export my voice commands in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 when the microphone configured for the profile isn't plugged in? 2019-05-11T03:17:56.580

2 Dragon NaturallySpeaking takes a few secs to transcribe the first utterance after turning the mic on, but is fast to transcribe the other utterances 2019-06-22T00:19:48.163

2 Uac interaction for people with physical disabilities (no keyboard, mouse or foot pedals) 2019-08-04T16:57:31.717

1 Is there a way to set Dragon Naturally Speaking 11 to dictate to an unfocused application? 2011-01-23T04:07:08.023

1 Bose 2 Bluetooth headset doesn't show in Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 Audio Devices 2013-03-07T22:06:52.513

1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking writes "{Gauche 13}{Maj+Droite}{Maj+Gauche}..." when I select a word 2014-01-07T03:20:38.353

1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Application-specific voice commands don't work with Eclipse 2014-01-19T17:49:32.760

1 Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 enters bad characters in MSOffice 2007 in Windows 7 2014-02-21T14:46:50.250

1 How can I edit a word in the dictionary in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2014-06-15T03:16:09.337

1 How can I see when a word has been added to the vocabulary? 2014-07-03T16:17:44.053

1 Play sound when microphone is turned on 2014-07-20T16:30:49.267

1 Certain Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice commands not working in Word, Excel 2014-10-12T18:36:40.903

1 Removing all abbreviations from Dragon NaturallySpeaking's dictionary 2014-11-05T16:22:00.747

1 How can I make voice command recognition as fast as possible in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2014-11-09T19:19:11.493

1 Dictating in unsupported applications with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 without going through the dictation box 2014-11-16T05:19:08.967

1 Speech-to-noise ratio in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11+ 2015-01-01T22:03:09.340

1 Commands are written down instead of being executed in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2015-01-03T20:50:06.653

1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking special character entry - arrows 2015-06-05T19:06:12.283

1 Dragon Dictate adding extra characters 2015-09-15T14:40:13.703

1 Exporting the names of all custom voice commands in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-01-11T02:45:48.290

1 Is there any way to permanently disable capitalization in Dragon for Mac? 2016-02-26T17:15:17.303

1 Can I install Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 and Dragon 14 professional side-by-side? 2016-04-13T21:14:51.833

1 Telling Dragon NaturallySpeaking not to consider the next word as a command 2016-04-24T02:30:48.673

1 Sending the enter key located on the lower right of the numeric keypad in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-05-05T17:39:37.637

1 Voice-Pressing keys in Dragon NaturallySpeaking: which symbol can it types? 2016-06-25T23:51:55.767

1 Computer Keeps Restarting Every 5 Minutes 2016-07-29T13:34:10.890

1 Why is Dragon NaturallySpeaking sometimes sending a mouse clicks after I wake it up? 2016-09-06T18:16:55.150

1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking can only send commands to Microsoft Word: dictation doesn't work 2017-01-15T19:27:12.023

1 What does "19:40:25 LOG (Perf): DgnSAPI paused -> BeginUtt = 158 msec" indicate in Dragon NaturallySpeaking's log? 2017-03-03T00:44:58.090

1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 losing focus on Windows 10 2017-06-28T18:32:02.947

1 Disabling voice commands in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 15 2018-10-02T13:46:12.750

1 dragon naturally speaking footnote 2019-03-10T00:29:19.943

1 Does BestMatch V still have performance issues with Natlink in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2019-11-17T05:59:40.343

1 How can I give 2 names for the same voice command in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2019-11-18T22:55:26.080

1 How can I force the spelling mode in Dragon NaturallySpeaking to only recognize the NATO phonetic alphabet? 2019-11-23T21:05:50.380

0 Is there tool to quantify precisely how much lag Dragon NaturallySpeaking has? 2014-01-07T03:06:32.590

0 Dragon NaturallySpeaking: Page Up multiple pages 2014-04-15T14:41:26.883

0 How to set words to all capitals using windows 7 dictation 2014-06-26T21:07:46.477

0 Displaying the recognition history in real-time in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-10-17T15:51:08.523

0 Searching through voice commands in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-11-06T23:11:00.970

0 Sorting voice commands by creation / modification date in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-11-07T14:49:50.793

0 Creating a voice command that works in all windows except one in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2014-11-07T18:45:49.327

0 Is the voice command "transfer" to transfer text from the dictation box to the application supposed to work? 2014-12-18T17:45:33.000

0 Dragon NaturallySpeaking pretending to be in normal mode while seemingly in command mode 2015-01-27T16:04:57.683

0 Using two different microphones in Dragon NaturallySpeaking: different user profiles vs. same user profile with different sources 2015-02-24T05:19:59.297

0 Dragon Naturally Speaking slows down entire Windows system 2015-06-11T22:25:08.973

0 Implicit spelling mode in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-05-13T23:29:15.063

0 How can I quickly reinitialize Dragon NaturallySpeaking after the microphone got saturated? 2016-05-28T04:18:46.757

0 Remove or disable a built-in voice command in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2016-05-29T01:38:28.123

0 How can I display the list of deleted words using only voice command(s)? 2016-05-30T00:41:03.877

0 Always propose a word when correcting a word in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-05-31T03:33:28.777

0 Voice command to remove all characters delimited by a given character in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-06-08T17:09:23.950

0 How can I configure Dragon NaturallySpeaking so that it writes text from where the cursor is, not where it used to be when I started dictating? 2016-07-09T19:26:58.423

0 Temporarily disable one or several voice commands in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-07-12T16:53:42.103

0 Impossible to select items DragonBar of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 2016-10-12T09:13:39.850

0 Can I prevent the word from being dictated when said in isolation in Dragon NaturallySpeaking? 2016-12-06T05:17:53.357

0 How can I configure Dragon NaturallySpeaking so that spelling a voice command doesn't execute the command? 2017-03-19T23:46:30.863

0 How can I use 2 Line-In microphones with the same Dragon NaturallySpeaking user profile? 2019-05-08T05:45:20.773

0 Do either Dragon or Windows Speech Recognition use a dedicated graphics card or GPU when one is available? 2020-01-14T05:30:36.903