Tag: dns

1 My ISP requires to set a specific computer name and primary DNS suffix. Is it possible to do this in a WiFi Router? 2011-09-20T13:41:59.973

1 DNS resolution in VPN? 2011-09-26T15:14:55.753

1 Unexpected DNS entries returned 2011-10-09T12:01:22.620

1 Apache Name Based VirtualHosts and DNS "www" issue 2011-10-13T17:04:11.363

1 Can't see shared files when connecting to server using hostname, but can using IP 2011-10-25T15:28:03.000

1 Is there any way to add nameserver without modification of configuration files? 2011-11-05T07:35:18.200

1 "DNS not responding" error with D-Link router and PPTP internet connection 2011-11-12T09:52:47.813

1 Automatically update ip-address in hosts file? 2011-07-10T19:07:12.207

1 Does it make a difference if I specify IP or domain name with a local server? 2011-11-30T03:40:50.060

1 DNS/BIND Issues 2011-11-30T02:32:01.523

1 where to find used dns settings 2011-12-02T15:13:49.750

1 How to configure DNS Server on Fedora 2011-12-07T10:35:15.203

1 Chrome cannot find the host entry for website 2011-12-09T19:43:36.433

1 Blank 'name' field in DNS zone file record 2011-12-12T04:50:25.497

1 Where is the DNSv6 server list stored in Linux? 2011-12-12T12:36:32.260

1 Are my connectivity issues on Windows XP related to DNS issues? 2011-12-13T02:22:00.527

1 What happens if my ISP's DNS server isn't available? 2011-12-28T20:15:14.530

1 DNS remit, internal and external of a network? 2011-12-29T20:56:28.470

1 Connecting clients to Active Directory Server 2011-12-31T21:18:01.170

1 DNS Setup Failed 2012-01-05T20:08:52.080

1 Why is www.google.com not reachable? 2012-01-10T12:39:00.130

1 How to set up local DNS server with conditional forwarding? 2012-01-19T00:30:02.460

1 After Flushing DNS on Mac, IP still showing incorrectly 2012-01-19T06:35:31.027

1 Yahoo pages not loading 2012-01-21T19:23:35.070

1 'Split horizon DNS service' with BIND on windows 7,how to configure? 2012-02-05T04:17:37.870

1 Apache subdomains in regards to DNS 2012-02-05T16:22:39.627

1 Why are all google website suddenly giving untrusted certificate warnings in my Firefox v10? 2012-02-07T21:36:34.723

1 Use different DNS servers for different domains? 2012-02-09T13:11:49.997

1 webmin bind issue- error when i try to start bind 2012-02-09T15:22:11.450

1 How does DNS work with respect to mail servers? 2012-02-17T18:47:59.567

1 Configuring clients to use a specific nameserver for a domain? 2012-02-20T10:14:53.863

1 nslookup fails but web access is OK 2012-02-22T06:15:02.680

1 CNAME pointing to one FQDN, but taking me to a different one 2012-02-28T16:45:44.263

1 How to find websites on the same server 2012-03-13T22:53:06.110

1 When pinging, the ping responses come from random domain names, but the same IP address? 2012-03-18T04:51:02.957

1 nameserver spoiling avahi multicast name resolution of .local domain 2012-03-25T02:53:59.217

1 Can't ping devices by IP address for devices allocated IPs by DHCP 2012-03-26T11:25:01.737

1 Website is working but cannot view from home 2012-03-30T08:11:51.140

1 DNS: Forward domain to another host 2012-04-11T17:10:25.837

1 Chrome Residual Redirect to Login Page 2012-04-14T16:42:54.580

1 Domains to ip:port forwarder (2 servers, 15 domains, 1 IP) 2012-04-17T22:24:23.693

1 How to start named (BIND) 2012-04-23T20:52:01.260

1 How can I temporarily override a domain name resolution without using the hosts file? 2012-04-26T14:40:05.653

1 Bind9 - How Can I Host a Custom Domain Extension On My Intranet? 2012-04-29T17:33:23.933

1 Problems connecting to chat server in a game, maybe related to DNS or Winsock 2012-05-05T15:39:16.140

1 DNS resolution slow, ping domain slow, ping ip fast, nslookup fast 2012-05-06T08:58:15.350

1 Cisco asa 5505 - can't browse locally hosted website by using it's domain name 2012-05-08T14:56:40.960

1 How can I design a Custom gateway for wifi 2012-05-16T04:27:10.423

1 Configuring DNS to resolve one host for email (IMAP) and another for web/FTP/etc 2012-05-23T03:37:33.820

1 Two DNS servers, one Windows, one Linux 2012-05-23T13:14:46.457

1 Why does DNS return alternately old and new addresses when you change nameservers for a website move? 2012-05-26T17:42:12.957

1 How to configure 'local' DNS? 2012-05-27T22:23:54.370

1 Running a caching DNS server on my LAN 2012-05-29T11:50:02.457

1 Constantly having to restart Windows 7 to time-stamp installer... Why? 2012-05-30T11:46:54.760

1 site loads in Ubuntu but not in any browser in XP 2012-05-31T05:34:49.377

1 Will Blocking Ads on the Router Side Slow Down the Router? 2012-06-17T02:23:46.610

1 Understanding CNAME in displaydns 2012-06-17T07:38:24.203

1 Centos 6.2 Minimal - DNS not resolving 2012-06-18T14:16:26.920

1 DNS when using split VPN on Windows 2012-06-25T20:33:53.543

1 No computers on my network can access my website 2012-06-26T11:24:35.383

1 DHCP: is DNS configuration optional? 2012-07-16T07:40:05.010

1 DNS forwarding settings: Can I use a DNS name server as target of A entry? 2012-07-17T06:27:44.713

1 strange characters in DNS Suffix 2012-07-17T23:23:45.547

1 DNS Lookup for website fails on PC 2012-07-19T12:49:41.477

1 Home router DNS server controlled by a wireless repeater: how is that possible? 2012-07-22T20:22:58.090

1 Why I need to specify a DNS server in my operating system? 2012-07-26T22:31:15.410

1 Forwarding from one domain to another 2012-07-27T05:57:53.857

1 Set up DNS to switch to secondary DNS on nxdomain in Windows 7 2012-07-31T13:07:06.487

1 How to run a dns server on a home network? 2012-08-01T19:19:10.677

1 DD-WRT DNS lookup failure 2012-08-02T03:21:59.083

1 Set up domain for my website 2012-08-02T14:33:56.240

1 DNS options for my local network 2012-08-02T19:38:14.343

1 Unable to resolve top-level domain with BIND on zeroshell 2012-08-04T14:56:29.910

1 Advanced settings on Network Connections windows7 2012-08-10T07:43:00.950

1 Need to Change DNS to get Gmail to Speed UP 2012-08-10T21:08:11.090

1 Can't connect to imgur.com or related content (i.imgur.com links work though...) 2012-08-15T19:05:40.250

1 DNS server is not responding - Windows 7 2012-08-20T06:47:50.613

1 How do you get the "Bonjour Service Name" from a single device? 2012-08-22T13:14:48.117

1 How to troubleshoot the DNS 2012-08-22T16:02:18.580

1 DNS request to find domain of IP address 2012-08-27T16:39:20.470

1 MX Records help - Godaddy DNS 2012-08-27T22:54:40.920

1 Domain network - DC cannot access Internet (nor can clients when wired-only) 2012-09-03T17:32:48.817

1 Configure separate DNS server for VPN users? 2012-09-06T22:56:10.747

1 Web server not loading pages in VirtualBox 2012-09-17T18:18:45.000

1 Disable access to TCP/IP and DNS Network Settings on Windows 7 2012-09-20T15:58:02.220

1 Telnet some long response stuck after DNS server change 2012-09-20T19:20:24.843

1 Worse case scenario when switching a DNS entry with a TTL of 1 day 2012-10-04T11:56:53.233

1 Why am I having DNS problems going through Network Solutions DNS to Amazon AWS? 2012-10-07T22:47:10.560

1 Internet Connection Sharing on OSX causes delayed web requests 2012-10-28T00:01:45.573

1 How can I bypass my DNS provider's cache? 2012-11-03T04:53:26.043

1 Setting up DNS server on VPS on the internet 2012-11-07T04:15:05.027

1 Set up SenderID's record in DNS Host zone 2012-11-08T21:47:56.133

1 Why does my IP address change back to private range when I reboot? 2012-11-15T00:13:01.567

1 Event ID 1014 DNS Client Events 2012-11-19T20:47:59.707

1 Chrome redirecting even when the server is down 2012-11-23T15:18:48.473

1 Determine IP address of an alias not in HOSTS file? 2012-11-28T11:11:44.460

1 SUSE Enterprise Server 11 DNS Zone Resolution Issue 2012-11-29T12:41:03.033

1 Debian + Unknown host google.com using bridge network 2012-12-10T06:05:30.447

1 Unable to resolve dynamic IP for home web server 2012-12-29T21:30:56.047