Tag: cygwin

2 Cygwin runtime errors ("couldn't allocate cygwin heap") 2012-10-31T03:53:18.837

2 Why cygwin 'ls -l' does not show me the file size in bytes? 2012-11-27T22:09:30.417

2 cygwin rsync over ssh very slow 2012-11-30T09:31:47.950

2 SSHD on Windows8 won't start: System error 1068 has occurred 2012-12-11T10:24:28.990

2 Slow X-server performance over network 2012-12-15T05:25:40.320

2 Installing `at` on Cygwin 2012-12-17T19:45:02.693

2 Multiple Putty and Cygwin/X sessions not working 2013-01-10T16:01:13.677

2 zsh completion doesn't work under Cygwin for other drives 2013-01-12T10:19:43.487

2 Mirroring with wget - Exclude old files 2013-01-30T07:51:06.420

2 matching start of the line in cygwin regexp 2013-02-12T14:38:25.943

2 "Bad address" error when accessing /dev/clipboard in Cygwin 2013-02-14T21:49:04.330

2 pkg-config on cygwin will not find the gsl package 2013-02-25T17:09:15.433

2 How to restrict cygwin's permissions in Windows 7 2013-03-06T14:29:14.183

2 How do I determine a USB memory stick's serial number in Cygwin? 2013-03-11T04:06:13.900

2 Cygwin/MinTTY Failing to Update Terminal Output Properly 2013-03-20T17:40:05.460

2 how to find files with cygwin 2013-03-24T03:40:32.063

2 start X window applications with Cygwin+Xming or CygwinX on Windows 7 64-bit? 2013-03-26T14:48:51.530

2 Launch startxwin in current terminal 2013-03-27T17:00:42.027

2 Suppress (or quiet) the output of bash: "Hit any key to close this window..." 2013-04-21T00:23:13.867

2 Curl --insecure error in Cygwin (works in Linux) 2013-05-21T19:36:51.293

2 Using Autohotkey for Emacs 2013-04-09T10:52:36.357

2 Is there a way to configure cygstart.exe? 2013-05-31T09:51:49.193

2 Cygwin installation missing /proc/net/tcp 2013-07-11T00:30:55.623

2 Cygwin SSH and Github 2013-07-17T05:46:02.003

2 unattended cygwin base + apt-cyg install 2013-07-21T15:11:03.473

2 Can't find the Cygdrive folder in Cygwin 2013-07-27T23:19:19.987

2 How do you call ActivePython from cygwin shell? 2013-08-13T14:29:10.960

2 Cygwin: Mapping a directory 2013-08-26T00:01:54.593

2 Building GCC and Binutils on Windows 7 x64 2013-09-08T21:58:42.697

2 Slave: ssh: connect to host slave port 22: Connection timed out 2013-09-11T06:58:38.867

2 What's the difference between versions of GNU Make in Cygwin setup 2013-09-13T10:48:04.480

2 How to resume wget mirroring from a different location? 2013-09-16T21:15:07.610

2 How can I attach a cygwin script to a keystroke? 2013-09-19T21:40:03.593

2 Why is Cygwin ftp hanging on connect? 2013-09-22T20:20:49.610

2 Ctrl space get eat by windows instead of passing to cygwin emacs 2013-09-23T14:21:12.803

2 After updating bashrc in cygwin the cursor starts at column 0 instead of after the prompt 2013-09-30T05:51:45.480

2 NX on windows 7 - disruptive screen configuration change 2013-09-30T09:55:03.457

2 How do I open a file in Cygwin Emacs from Windows? 2013-10-01T14:40:57.103

2 reuse an already established connection with win32 gvim 2013-10-03T17:28:23.103

2 startxwin.exe is failing in cygwin on Windows 7 with keyboard initialization failure 2013-10-13T22:36:58.417

2 Copy a list of files preserving directory structure, without scripts 2013-10-31T18:18:18.327

2 iconv cannot convert between CP1256 -t ISO-8859-6 2013-11-03T22:22:34.377

2 Trying to bind <ESC> to keysequence "ΓΆΓΆ" in bash vi mode 2013-11-24T11:49:26.360

2 Add commands auto completion to Cygwin 2013-12-01T15:58:43.887

2 How to stop ssh (via cygwin) from hanging on server disconnect/timeout 2014-01-18T16:29:50.990

2 Is Cygwin the easiest way to learn about UNIX/LINUX without dual-booting Linux on Windows Machine? 2014-02-01T18:49:58.387

2 How to encrypt my everchaging files for Dropbox while keeping them decrypted locally? 2014-02-06T03:20:46.103

2 SSH: can connect to computers on local network but cant connect remotely 2014-02-10T21:25:23.717

2 Rsync incredibly slow in Cygwin - am I doing something wrong? 2014-03-12T15:17:06.073

2 Cygwin: man no longer works 2014-03-15T11:30:50.307

2 remove 'Starting /bin/bash.exe' on cygwin chere 2014-03-15T14:33:14.063

2 cygwin not recognizing paths with spaces in them 2014-03-31T15:40:13.607

2 Cygwin: Run a script in mintty/bash 2014-04-14T13:08:41.527

2 CygWin: How can I know what packages need (are pending) to be upgraded? 2014-04-19T20:27:19.240

2 tmux: Page Up/Down in Cygwin 2014-07-11T15:24:31.273

2 Error message while connecting to EC2 instance via Cygwin 2014-07-11T23:06:54.477

2 popd and pushd behavior with "-n" option 2014-07-17T16:08:42.403

2 Tried Installing ZSH through cygwin and then trying to use zsh through Cmder 2014-07-23T01:26:32.360

2 Math extension in mediawiki on windows 2014-08-08T16:15:17.980

2 How can I keep my gpg private key on removable media in Windows? 2014-08-26T21:48:42.520

2 "mkdir: cannot create directory '/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/config' [..] Setting HOME to /tmp" when starting Cygwin's terminal 2014-09-09T17:12:12.950

2 Windows 7, repetition of audio tick.wav, like those Unix guys can do, from other application. 2014-09-15T07:43:31.547

2 Run a command in another cygwin window and not exit 2014-09-15T14:48:30.750

2 How do I wipe a USB drive using dd on cygwin on Windows? 2014-10-06T21:09:58.730

2 How to paste text from clipboard to the cygwin shell in VirtualBox VM running on OSX? 2014-10-16T08:03:11.660

2 How do I patch cygwin to resolve the shellshock vulnerability? 2014-10-17T14:18:07.720

2 PuttyCyg not starting correctly: "Must be connected to a terminal" error message 2014-11-16T03:42:25.137

2 Jenkins SSH Windows node bash error 2014-12-10T10:28:40.620

2 Cygwin+KiTTYCyg: /bin/sh: No such file or directory 2014-12-19T07:36:03.997

2 Exit code 127 in cygwin64 2015-01-01T22:18:44.557

2 wget missing from cygwin install 2015-01-03T04:45:26.580

2 What's the Bash equivalent of "cmd /c" 2015-01-05T12:48:21.437

2 Is there a way to create a /dev/clipboard like in Cygwin? 2015-01-16T08:11:31.890

2 OpenSSH without password does not work Cygwin Windows 7 2015-01-27T09:31:38.357

2 How can I install pygame on python with cygwin? 2015-02-09T17:01:40.810

2 Why does cygwin sha512 create different checksums depending on terminal? 2015-02-20T16:25:07.527

2 Tmux 1.9a - variable #{pane_current_command} doesn't work as expected 2015-02-28T11:21:29.257

2 Cygwin install error: Package file libxxx has a corrupt local copy, please remove and retry 2015-03-06T16:48:07.910

2 Can't find the good Cygwin shell executable 2015-04-15T12:33:46.187

2 Shortcut to run mintty.exe with ConEmu 2015-04-22T13:38:31.990

2 Cygwin shell add context menu item 2015-04-23T11:56:10.083

2 Where do I put commands to run scripts? 2015-05-26T20:01:04.740

2 Install TTF font on xterm (cygwin) 2015-05-28T07:57:15.210

2 ChkTex on Windows 2015-06-06T11:18:13.637

2 How to prevent rdiff-backup on cygwin from crashing? 2015-06-16T21:48:25.417

2 How to reset the terminal under Cygwin? 2015-06-30T23:48:19.270

2 cygwin opens three windows instead of one 2015-07-09T12:37:49.823

2 Cygwin, emacs and associate it with a file type on Windows 2015-07-11T03:20:39.577

2 Intellij - Open directory of selected file in Cygwin 2015-07-14T10:23:03.253

2 zip extractor reading archives from stdin 2015-07-24T12:25:24.763

2 Setup ssh in background windows 2015-08-31T17:11:05.487

2 Is there a simple way to install a list of packages in Cygwin? 2015-09-02T07:47:11.927

2 compilation on cygwin64 doesn't work with g++ 4.9.2 2015-10-01T22:26:26.417

2 Combine local packages directories 2015-10-16T07:19:49.997

2 Windows DPI scaling: fix specific app with tiny text 2015-10-21T14:27:20.747

2 git what's the recommended way to update from old 32bit version to new 64 bit version in windows 2015-11-26T11:36:19.173

2 Optimize cygwin tools load time on my i5 4th Gen, 8 GB RAM, large disk 2016-01-04T04:21:12.490

2 Why is this DOS batch file that installs Cygwin unattended failing? 2016-01-26T18:37:36.463

2 SSH to github using CygWin doesn't work 2016-02-20T16:02:00.890