Windows 7, repetition of audio tick.wav, like those Unix guys can do, from other application.


At org-pomodoro_resources at master · lolownia_org-pomodoro · GitHub / resources, there is a tick.wav file, to be played repetitively, from Emacs.

I have tried start, wmplayer, vlc, play (sox), and mpc-hc64.

None of them seem to behave like what those Unix folks have. The mpc-h64 came closest, though it had also opened up a GUI instance, and the ticks weren't well spaced and consistent, as there seemed to be a delay after Emacs is sending these "signals". (Actually, I never got play to work, perhaps because I am not cygwin proficient.)

If you feel the impulse to try this out, here are my Emacs lines of code:

(setq org-pomodoro-play-ticking-sounds t)
;; (setq org-pomodoro-audio-player (or (executable-find "aplay") 
;;                                     (executable-find "afplay")
;;                                     ))
(setq org-pomodoro-audio-player "c:/Program Files/MPC-HC/mpc-hc64.exe")

Is there a better way? That is, perfect world is smooth ticking sound emitted, with hopefully no GUI popping up (vlc generated so many!). Can Windows allow such signal from Emacs to an audio player?

Brady Trainor

Posted 2014-09-15T07:43:31.547

Reputation: 257

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