Ctrl space get eat by windows instead of passing to cygwin emacs


I bind C-space to start selection but this is also the windows input method hotkey, so when never I press this under cygwin, it will eaten by the OS, is there any way to avoid this? how to work around this?


Posted 2013-09-23T14:21:12.803

Reputation: 177



In principle you can tell Windows to let Emacs use that key when you are in Emacs.

For example, if you are on Windows XP then you can use w32-register-hot-key to let Emacs get that key, this way:

(w32-register-hot-key (kbd "C-SPC"))

But it is apparently the case that on Windows 7 (dunno about Vista or 8, but I'm guessing they too have the problem) w32-register-hot-key no longer has any effect. In this case I think you are out of luck --- you will need to change the hotkey that Windows uses for the input method.


Posted 2013-09-23T14:21:12.803

Reputation: 1 898