Tag: csh

12 How do I add a location to my path in Unix? 2010-12-22T07:00:24.480

11 Is there a way to escape single-quotes in the shell? 2010-03-01T07:26:04.593

10 How to make auto complete available for directories in cdpath for tcsh? 2013-11-08T23:13:59.077

9 What does ~ mean in a Linux shell? 2012-09-12T23:07:50.263

7 find files within a specific directory structure but a variable parent directory structure 2011-01-27T10:32:23.663

6 How do I set $ variables in unix? 2010-03-09T15:40:28.137

4 csh: how to test for blank correctly? 2011-09-15T23:58:16.947

4 How to write a setevn/export script that will work in both csh and bash? 2012-01-03T00:52:20.927

4 Unix "time" command with pipeline prints no time-report 2012-03-12T08:18:09.680

4 Is it possible to open a file to a specific line number as formatted in grep -n results? 2013-04-19T17:55:45.437

3 How to open xterm shells with background colors based on topographic positioning? 2010-07-28T13:47:27.713

3 Converting csh or tsh scripts to Bash 2011-10-13T03:29:51.257

3 How to run a process and completely detach it of its parent shell 2011-11-17T16:36:03.140

3 Bash alias history substitution similar to \!* in csh 2012-02-22T22:10:56.083

3 In csh/tcsh, how can I incorporate literal curly braces into a command that's processed with eval? 2012-04-27T02:01:09.747

3 Transferring environment variable through SSH / quoting in bash/sh/csh/tcsh 2012-10-02T15:47:44.607

2 linux text editor for windows 2010-06-01T17:10:50.313

2 How to set PATH to run programs outside of default path? 2010-09-08T02:21:57.090

2 csh cd alias: how to eliminate error when no parameter is supplied 2011-04-23T18:17:32.363

2 Is there a command to make csh re-read all the directories in your path on FreeBSD? 2012-11-18T05:02:30.657

2 RHEL 6 converting a BASH script to a CSH script 2015-06-30T16:38:11.067

2 tcsh: how can we display the body of a foreach loop in history 2015-11-02T04:25:14.180

2 How do I run a Python script from a C shell without specifying whole path? 2016-08-12T15:35:27.413

1 getting error while doing cat command "Ambiguous output redirect." 2010-03-23T05:31:03.703

1 How to start tab suggestions in csh? 2010-07-21T04:38:10.597

1 run tcsh but bash started instead 2010-07-23T22:52:50.820

1 What are the options to make csh behave more Windows-like? 2011-02-24T12:27:25.763

1 On the command line, 'find' reports back an illegal time value 2011-06-22T07:32:31.863

1 How do I background a job quietly? 2011-07-21T23:41:27.263

1 Customizing CSH prompt 2012-03-10T02:27:09.577

1 Gvim --remote to open file and focus on the newly opened file 2012-04-14T12:48:27.993

1 Using a session-specific .vimrc 2012-10-19T14:22:12.563

1 csh: Every command returns "no match" 2013-01-17T19:37:02.783

1 Using different .cshrc.user files 2013-02-20T11:42:01.227

1 FreeBSD csh style history auto completion in bash 2013-09-18T15:07:42.480

1 Change CSH shell keyboard shortcut 2014-01-15T04:04:51.280

1 Why is GNU `less` just showing the output of my title script instead of the file contents? 2014-03-19T14:09:27.730

1 What does the datasize limit in a csh actually do? 2014-04-28T02:15:49.423

1 How can we configure paths for .cshrc 2014-12-11T06:06:31.377

1 What's the equivalent of .bashrc for CentOS? 2015-07-21T12:57:27.770

1 How to get piped output in color? 2016-05-24T17:25:37.557

0 tcsh `cd` always issues a printout of `$PWD`. How do I disable this? 2010-04-27T02:34:59.823

0 how to set up new keybinding for finding last command executed using the first few characters of the command in csh 2010-07-21T06:23:43.167

0 Please explain the behaviour of the shell (supposed to be csh) 2011-09-13T15:18:34.407

0 Sorting a list of directories that contain numbers with a different number of digits 2011-09-20T11:42:40.203

0 csh script to return number of process running 2011-10-01T05:23:47.380

0 Why do I get a different behavior of the scp command in csh and bash? 2011-11-02T07:30:59.857

0 "Command not found" error when running program 2011-11-15T22:26:17.447

0 csh bindkey what is "\346" 2013-02-22T15:59:30.593

0 Execute a command with parameter each filename in a folder 2013-02-27T12:27:01.523

0 How to delete all files with filenames containing spaces on Linux? 2014-01-24T18:30:00.030

0 Linux firing subshell and stopping whole script 2014-01-27T15:15:23.093

0 Run script on SSH login to server 2014-12-09T15:28:27.533

0 How to send the output of CSH script to a text editor? 2015-02-04T17:02:50.433

0 Use of variables withing singlequotes, CSH 2015-04-13T20:12:01.887

0 RHEL 6: GNOME: staring a *.desktop file in a shell different from the system default 2015-06-30T14:57:29.310

0 How to script to read user input, then run in background itself even closing terminal in TCSH? 2017-11-04T03:01:35.623

0 csh: How to check if symbolic link exists? 2018-05-16T11:44:16.873

0 Package not found for awk.exe and csh.exe in Cygwin 2.10.0 2018-05-31T12:26:26.693

0 How to restore working directory in csh terminal on macOS 2019-03-11T17:03:33.417

0 Customize csh prompt based on uid/superuser status 2019-03-17T17:43:43.313

0 How do I add path to PYTHONPATH in C shell? 2019-04-24T17:51:32.977

0 .vimrc file works with csh, not bash 2019-06-06T18:33:26.667

-1 What is the equivalent of pathmunge() in csh? 2014-11-06T11:50:32.343