How to get piped output in color?


I am using FreeBSD with the csh shell. As an example, in the terminal / screen I get color output for ls (eg. ls -lGs). But when I pipe it through more (eg ls -lGs | more) the output has no colour. Is there a way to have more also display color?


Posted 2016-05-24T17:25:37.557

Reputation: 139

In Ubuntu ls has the --color option, and ls --color=always retains colouring when output is redirected. – AFH – 2016-05-24T17:40:11.370

You put me on the right track, I will make an answer for the community. – Lexib0y – 2016-05-24T18:55:39.610



I solved the problem in two steps.

First I set the environment varable CLICOLOR_FORCE in .cshrc to force output other then to TERM to also use colors, eg:


more has a command line option -R to output color sequences.

          Like  -r,  but  only ANSI "color" escape sequences are output in
          "raw" form.  Unlike -r, the screen appearance is maintained cor-
          rectly  in  most  cases.   ANSI  "color"  escape  sequences  are
          sequences of the form:

These two combined gave me the desired results, so

ls -lGs | more -R 

now displays the output in color.


Posted 2016-05-24T17:25:37.557

Reputation: 139

Glad you found a solution: for the record, your answer doesn't work with my configuration of Ubuntu/bash with GNU ls, but this is a long way from FreeBSD/csh, so it's not surprising. In my case more has no -R option, but it works without. – AFH – 2016-05-24T19:54:14.177

Should I add the FreeBSD tag to the question? It might work on other systems... They question and answer should be clear enough. – Lexib0y – 2016-05-24T21:31:29.760

I'm not sure what to advise: I have seen reference to CLICOLOR_FORCE on other systems, and my comments should help when your solution doesn't work. I have no idea how many people will come upon this solution by searching on the tag, rather than the title, but I suspect not many. – AFH – 2016-05-24T22:15:37.980