RHEL 6 converting a BASH script to a CSH script


I have a BASH script( running on RHEL 6 ) that brings up a GNOME terminal, opens multiple tabs in that terminal, starts a server in each tab, names the tab after that server, and inserts the command into the BASH history. Here is a simplified version of it:

gnome-terminal   \
--tab -t "Server One"  -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"$LONGPATH/bin/startServerOne.sh \"; exec bash"'

echo $LONGPATH/bin/startServerOne.sh >>~/.bash_history;

I made this script a while ago and I embarrassed to say I don't remember 100% of why I did what I did. I'm not familiar with CSH.

Basically, I am wondering what I have to do in the code sample above to convert those BASH commands into CSH commands

Thanks for any info


Posted 2015-06-30T16:38:11.067

Reputation: 655

See my comment on your other question. – Martin Tournoij – 2015-06-30T17:19:01.997

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