Tag: bundle

20 What is a .bundle file and how do I run it? 2009-11-07T19:09:05.343

16 How do you install & manage TextMate bundles? 2010-06-20T01:18:00.590

7 How do sparse bundles get corrupted and can they be fixed? 2009-11-02T02:39:02.617

6 Shell script Mac OS X App : get its path 2010-06-24T09:07:50.853

4 How do I install the C# TextMate bundle? 2011-09-13T21:13:51.657

3 How to create a .app from a Mono application in Mac OS X? 2010-04-19T09:56:51.847

2 Installing a bundled set of multiple apps automatically and silently 2010-04-25T07:37:24.853

2 Is there a TextMate bundle that includes a pane to manage bookmarks across files? 2011-03-17T15:33:36.830

2 Can't find sqlite3 in this ruby/rails version using rvm 2011-09-27T22:46:48.880

2 How do I run a rake task in cron under a different user? 2012-12-12T16:03:57.107

2 Lessc Textmate bundle doesn't save .css file 2013-01-07T18:02:27.200

2 Open current bash location explicitly in Finder 2013-08-12T17:54:25.003

2 Causes of: com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: Exited with code: 1 2013-12-11T15:05:08.830

1 Vim: Captue 'filetype command' state to variable? 2012-06-22T15:09:16.753

1 Can't run .bundle file in Mac OSX 2014-12-04T15:28:57.903

0 Unfolding not matching problem with TextMate/Python mode 2010-09-10T22:06:43.747

0 Add an NSBundle to finder favorites? 2013-09-15T12:06:49.830

0 Open a bundle in the mac file save dialog? 2013-09-15T12:33:32.103

0 getting yml syntax highlighting in textmate2 2014-06-18T10:13:15.167

0 cannot run bundle using zshell, get git errors 2014-10-09T16:24:15.447

0 Logfile for ruby bundler? 2016-01-13T08:51:48.570

0 Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. on installing therubyracer 0.12.2 with native extensions 2019-11-11T10:11:37.370