Logfile for ruby bundler?


I have got a ruby project defining a Gemfile. When I run bundle update, already installed gems are getting updated, probably, e.g.

    Installing rake 10.5.0 (was 10.4.2)
    Using CFPropertyList 2.2.8
    Using i18n 0.7.0
    Using json 1.8.3
    Using minitest 5.8.3
    Using thread_safe 0.3.5
    Using tzinfo 1.2.2
    Using activesupport 4.2.5
    Using addressable 2.4.0
    Installing ansi 1.5.0
    Installing ast 2.2.0 (was 2.1.0)
    Using parser
    Using astrolabe 1.3.1
    Using extlib 0.9.16

Is there a logfile, to retrace/review what was happening during an update? A kind of history.log analog to what apt does.


Posted 2016-01-13T08:51:48.570

Reputation: 119



To review the version change of gem files, one could put Gemfile.lock under version control and diff revisions from before and after update.

I think, this is not applicable for new projects, that do not have a Gemfile.lock nor revision in a version control system, yet, and would require a bundle install.


Posted 2016-01-13T08:51:48.570

Reputation: 119