How would I go about performing date validation on user input in a shell script? I want to notify the user if they enter the date in the wrong format. The correct format would be YYYYMMDD.
How would I go about performing date validation on user input in a shell script? I want to notify the user if they enter the date in the wrong format. The correct format would be YYYYMMDD.
This method treats input as a string then parses and tests it for proper formatting. In this form, I have it also checking if the fields in the date are correct, but you can remove those conditionals if you don't need them.
echo -n "Enter the date as YYYYMMDD >"
read date
if [ ${#date} -eq 8 ]; then
month30="04 06 09 11"
leapyear=$((year%4)) # if leapyear this is 0
if [ "$year" -ge 1901 -a "$month" -le 12 -a "$day" -le 31 ]; then
if [ "$month" -eq 02 -a "$day" -gt 29 ] || [ "$leapyear" -ne 0 -a "$month" -eq 02 -a "$day" -gt 28 ]; then
echo "Too many days for February... try again"; exit
if [[ "$month30" =~ "$month" ]] && [ "$day" -eq 31 ]; then
echo "Month $month cannot have 31 days... try again"; exit
else echo "Date is out of range"; exit
else echo "try again...expecting format as YYYYMMDD"; exit
echo "SUCCESS!"
echo "year: $year month: $month day: $day"
You might like the option to accept many formats and convert them to standard form; the date
command can help:
$ day=$(unset day;
until date -d "${day:-XXX}" '+%Y%m%d' 2>/dev/null
do read -p "Which day? " day
Which day?
Which day? weds
Which day? friday
$ echo $day
I'm having trouble getting this to work at all. I read the date into a variable $YMD and that's where I want to proceed if the date is the right format, otherwise I'd want to prompt the user again to re-enter the date in the right format. – THE DOCTOR – 2015-05-05T19:59:24.610
Show us your code! The snippet above does something useful, but I can't (yet) see why it's not useful for you. – Toby Speight – 2015-05-06T16:55:33.573
There is already a good post for this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18709962/bash-regex-if-statement
– rfportilla – 2015-05-05T17:58:07.787