Tag: shell-script

172 Batch converting PNG to JPG in linux 2009-11-16T02:06:38.807

106 When must I use #!/bin/bash and when #!/bin/sh? 2016-10-10T07:02:38.623

101 looping through `ls` results in bash shell script 2009-08-28T17:03:49.970

83 What does export do in BASH? 2010-06-16T20:02:37.657

70 Check if any of the parameters to a bash script match a string 2010-09-08T19:28:14.553

68 How to execute .sh file on Windows? 2010-03-15T07:34:42.150

55 Log rotation of stdout? 2011-06-01T04:58:21.747

50 Avoid unwanted path in Zip file 2010-03-14T01:30:53.160

34 Populating Array in DOS Batch Script 2010-09-21T18:44:45.490

31 What is wrong with “echo $(stuff)” or “echo `stuff`”? 2018-08-27T21:47:28.647

31 What does this bash script do? [Hack Attempt] 2018-09-08T08:11:45.020

29 How to extract a complete list of extension types within a directory? 2012-03-07T14:44:02.843

26 How to replace part of a text file between markers with another text file? 2012-06-22T03:00:36.117

26 How can I compare a variable to a text string, rather than integer, in an if/else statement? 2013-01-30T04:49:30.080

25 Shell script echo new line to file 2011-07-22T20:18:22.703

25 How to update bash on Mac OS X Yosemite 2014-12-27T01:27:04.790

24 Passing two arguments to a command using pipes 2011-08-01T20:54:09.350

24 Run a shell script on OS X without having a terminal window appear? 2011-11-22T12:08:02.803

23 ssh and shell through ssh : how to exit? 2010-11-05T13:26:23.183

23 Is this an attack or something to be concerned about? Shellshock? 2014-09-29T14:26:09.423

22 Determine the architecture of a Mac from the command line or script? 2010-06-03T16:09:16.303

22 How can I run a shell script in Windows? 2012-01-02T05:07:33.483

21 How do I concatenate strings in a bash script? 2011-01-27T22:19:04.333

21 Bash: optionally passing arguments to a command 2014-08-25T05:09:47.203

20 how to `tail` the latest file in a directory 2010-03-08T13:46:38.223

20 Should I put *.sh and *.rb file extensions on all my scripts? 2011-10-07T16:56:51.073

20 How do you escape apostrophe in single quoted string in bash? 2012-10-01T10:04:03.573

19 Writing shell scripts that will run on any shell (using multiple shebang lines?) 2012-11-08T17:54:41.803

18 Where to store cronjob script? 2013-01-13T23:44:28.717

18 Split very long line of words into separate lines of max length 2014-10-15T14:17:41.193

18 Programatically determine if an script is being executed on laptop or desktop? 2015-02-13T20:21:20.420

17 Run script in OS X 10.6 on network connection. (like /etc/network/if-up.d/) 2010-10-20T13:11:23.663

17 What is the difference between set, env, declare and export when setting a variable in a Linux shell? 2014-10-05T12:26:03.507

16 How to pass variables to a HEREDOC in bash? 2012-08-02T07:16:32.543

15 Why do I Get [[: not found When Running a Script? 2012-01-04T06:01:25.823

15 How to print new line character with echo? 2012-07-02T13:27:37.363

15 Who deals with the star * in echo * 2015-04-13T20:44:04.850

14 How do I launch a bash script from Finder in OS X? 2009-09-10T08:10:33.210

14 Bash shell: list all files of type .png or .PNG? 2011-05-16T01:15:26.780

13 How to execute a shell script on startup? 2010-03-31T15:13:35.217

12 grep changing the delimiter 2010-05-13T20:11:11.957

12 Programmatically open tab in gnome-terminal, execute command, and have tab stay open 2010-08-03T23:57:03.453

12 Can I "export" an alias to the SHELL that invoked a script? 2012-07-11T08:19:30.760

12 Edit xml file using shell script / command 2015-05-19T13:07:42.487

11 Why does `route` hang for a while before the route table being dumped? 2011-06-02T03:02:56.477

11 Echo text in a certain color in a shell script 2011-09-05T19:52:38.910

11 Loop over a range of numbers to download with wget 2012-08-04T15:57:46.307

11 Where are shell functions stored on Linux? 2014-12-29T21:43:22.607

11 Exit bash script when curl gets a non 200 HTTP status 2015-02-12T11:32:20.530

11 Unix Script: Wait until a file exists 2015-02-16T16:21:58.377

11 How to edit Excel file (xlsx) using linux shell 2018-07-10T13:26:29.137

10 Starting a linux process in the background 2009-09-09T17:41:49.090

10 How to find all soft links (symbolic links) in current directory? 2009-11-16T10:44:35.260

10 How can I run my python program directly from the shell? 2011-12-30T16:31:03.163

10 Test if a package is installed in APT 2012-05-22T07:26:12.723

10 Reading values from plist nested dictionaries in shell script 2012-10-11T23:53:54.340

10 How to echo commands in a bash shell script, but not execute them? 2013-01-16T19:43:36.003

10 How to test if a variable is equal to a number in shell 2013-12-16T00:51:48.410

9 How do I delete a file named "-p" from bash? 2010-06-04T03:50:55.603

9 Finding geolocation from an IP address 2011-06-18T17:35:15.307

9 How do I close a window from an application, passing the file name? 2013-01-01T09:55:49.653

9 Linux command-line: Quick way to disable internet (keeping LAN)? 2014-02-03T22:20:46.397

9 Run .sh file on double click on Windows with Cygwin 2015-04-27T22:33:46.147

9 Is it possible to check whether -e is set within a bash script? 2015-11-08T15:26:56.190

9 How to POST file contents using cURL? 2016-03-19T05:24:18.683

8 Recursive unrar of several folders 2012-04-11T00:06:38.770

8 How to find length of string in shell 2014-09-05T06:02:09.787

7 Bash & 'su' script giving an error "standard in must be a tty" 2010-03-13T01:43:34.470

7 Gnu Screen: Execute command on attach 2010-10-29T02:03:44.607

7 Executing a script when DHCPD give an IP 2010-11-16T14:03:16.780

7 Linux shell utils: convert a list of hexadecimals to a list of decimals 2010-12-27T16:08:47.030

7 bash: source from URL 2011-03-09T13:45:20.167

7 How do you run a shell command/script automatically when entering/cd-ing a directory on Snow Leopard? 2011-05-14T08:24:46.717

7 Why use parens instead of backticks for executing a command 'in situ'? 2012-02-21T18:34:03.057

7 How to script a database migration using an SSH tunnel? 2012-03-14T16:37:53.073

7 Looking for a regular expression to work on a list of comma separated values 2012-08-01T10:41:37.607

7 How to change the appearance of empty folders in finder using Automator? 2012-12-31T07:09:56.270

7 Shell script to find all types of files in a directory with their count 2013-09-04T10:09:01.117

7 Bash: How to list n random number of files (not head or tail) 2014-01-31T15:05:49.557

6 Run Linux command as predefined user 2010-03-30T11:29:04.330

6 Shell script Mac OS X App : get its path 2010-06-24T09:07:50.853

6 How to download this webpage with Wget? 2010-11-25T02:03:42.770

6 Portable method of opening a new terminal window? 2011-03-08T18:38:21.917

6 Process files in a folder that haven't previously been processed 2012-07-11T01:01:26.297

6 Return last command executed in shell-script 2012-07-25T12:22:23.690

6 How to find all zero byte files in directory 2013-03-29T12:41:26.977

6 scriptdir=`dirname $0` not working 2014-01-28T05:49:10.540

6 How to make a service start in SUSE Enterprise linux 2014-05-12T10:32:16.993

6 The "other" finger (GECOS fields at /etc/passwd) 2016-01-26T16:34:41.177

5 with a shell script, it is possible to tell when it's run with cron vs run manually? 2010-08-04T22:02:36.220

5 verify ASCII file with file command by shell scrript 2010-10-26T21:56:50.713

5 How do you get Ubuntu to automatically run a program every time the screen is unlocked? 2010-10-31T02:18:57.767

5 Process not Listed by PS or in /proc/ 2010-11-03T23:04:34.307

5 Progress Indicator-Falling deck of cards(Bash) 2011-05-11T04:58:23.857

5 How can I keep reading from a pipe even after the pipe is closed? 2011-06-10T17:58:06.930

5 How do I use the -ne flag for echo in a shell script? 2011-06-21T16:38:48.863

5 Moving files and renaming when a file exists in destination folder 2011-07-22T16:49:16.120

5 Find all filename.ext1 where no filename.ext2 exists in OS X or the shell 2011-10-10T15:00:56.060

5 Echo multiple lines of text to a file in bash? 2011-10-27T13:38:05.810