How can my local website be visited from outside?



Possible Duplicate:
Allowing access to localhost page outside network?

I can visit my site by http://localhost

And I give my friend my ip address like,

but they can't browse it by

How to enable this?

unknown (google)

Posted 2009-12-25T08:30:32.720


Question was closed 2012-03-07T17:57:21.180

Your web server is likely configured to listen on localhost only. Which web server are you using, on which OS? – None – 2009-12-25T08:34:39.757

i too have the same question, i m using VS 2008, windows server, with router. What port do i need to open for it, is it same port 80 – Shantanu Gupta – 2009-12-25T09:04:31.247

I have a static ip – Shantanu Gupta – 2009-12-25T09:06:29.323

Your Cable modem or DSL router have a static IP. You need to take a look at your cable modem or DSL router, and let us know what model / manufacturer it is. Or use PortForward (, to look up the model, and set port 80 to forward to your computer. – Benjamin Schollnick – 2009-12-25T15:58:32.030



You need to set up port forwarding to Port 80 in your DSL router (provided a DSL router is running).


Posted 2009-12-25T08:30:32.720

Reputation: 2 239

added comment, plz answer for that too – Shantanu Gupta – 2009-12-25T09:13:35.583


If you are behind a router, you will have to forward port 80 to your computer's internal IP address. See this guide:

Your question does not really describe your current setup in any detail at all.

Niel Thiart

Posted 2009-12-25T08:30:32.720

Reputation: 121

added comment, plz answer for that too – Shantanu Gupta – 2009-12-25T09:13:03.727


You could use Dynamic DNS softwares. Essentially install a software that will contact the server and figure out your local IP, and then provide a internet address to access it. There are many service providers out there, dont really know who is the best. Here is ony I found :


Posted 2009-12-25T08:30:32.720

Reputation: 183