Tag: port-forwarding

219 What is port forwarding and what is it used for? 2011-05-16T04:00:37.510

59 How do I remove an SSH forwarded port 2009-12-23T18:35:51.767

53 Differences between ssh -L to -D 2012-04-03T12:26:05.763

39 Can I make SSH fail when a port forwarding fails? 2011-10-31T01:13:46.077

36 How to make a port forward in Mac OS X 2009-08-27T19:51:23.690

34 Tunneling a TCP/IP Connection through Remote Desktop Connection 2010-04-13T17:56:59.820

34 No idea what is listening on port 80 in OS X 2013-05-19T17:45:44.840

30 How does port-forwarding help in torrents? 2016-03-16T01:11:55.897

26 DD-WRT: How to allow port forwarding to apply to requests originating from inside the LAN? 2011-05-19T10:42:51.953

23 Are there good alternative HTTP ports rather than port 80? 2013-06-08T02:25:20.837

22 I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty 2015-12-14T03:44:46.067

20 Howto disable SSH local port forwarding? 2011-01-06T09:38:16.030

20 Possible to "ping" url:port? (OS X-GeekTool) 2011-04-21T20:57:58.970

18 Windows Firewall: How to allow traffic on a specific port (eg. 8080)? 2010-05-23T22:07:13.250

17 SOCKS vs. SSH local port forwarding 2011-04-16T11:54:05.527

17 NAT vs. port forwarding 2012-05-30T18:14:07.577

17 Port Forwarding to a VMware Workstation Virtual Machine 2013-03-25T14:10:07.033

17 Chrome ssh tunnel forwarding 2014-10-02T08:16:37.220

16 pfctl port forwarding in Mac osx? 2012-09-12T00:28:18.737

15 Is there a script to add port forwarding rule in home router? 2013-08-21T07:59:23.150

13 Are virtual servers and port forwarding the same thing? 2010-12-28T20:08:31.737

13 Allowing a friend to connect over the internet to a Minecraft server I've hosted? 2011-05-08T08:02:57.223

13 Windows 10 - NAT - Port forwarding & IP masquerade 2016-06-12T11:52:59.650

11 Unable to access outside service from inside LAN 2010-04-27T23:43:29.037

11 How safe is port forwarding in general? 2013-03-05T14:39:21.543

11 OS X: From ipfw to pfctl - Forward port 80 and 443 2013-07-08T18:32:22.290

10 ssh through a router without port forwarding 2013-05-15T18:30:03.257

10 VirtualBox command-line - setting up port forwarding 2015-04-14T13:14:39.380

9 Remote connection to a PC over internet 2009-10-15T11:47:33.767

9 Get Windows localhost (port 80) to forward to port 8080 for Apache service 2012-04-17T23:21:31.050

9 SSH port forwarding without session 2014-10-17T20:09:10.813

9 Commandline configuring portforwarding service with whitespace 2017-03-01T17:50:59.080

9 SSH: Troubleshooting "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" errors 2017-03-31T02:36:42.773

8 How to ssh into home LAN behind ISP NAT (no public IP address)? 2010-10-07T16:07:12.903

8 How safe is it to open ports on your router? 2013-12-26T21:01:40.933

7 How to record and replay http interactions? 2009-12-07T21:19:50.873

7 Allowing access to localhost outside network 2011-01-04T14:04:32.917

7 SSH dynamic port forwarding, "Connection refused" 2011-01-26T09:00:31.717

7 UPnP port mapping client for Linux 2011-02-15T10:04:42.977

7 AirPort Extreme and VPN Server 2011-05-30T23:17:53.460

7 MOSH into bastion server, SSH into internal hosts 2014-09-24T23:08:29.087

7 Port forwarding in a network with 2 routers 2014-12-16T18:22:40.017

7 problems setting up remote ssh 2017-09-20T18:03:44.420

7 How to choose open port number? 2018-07-24T01:57:50.837

6 Want to use apache, ISP blocking port 80 2010-02-07T22:34:25.857

6 Stable reverse port forwarding in SSH and stale sessions 2010-02-19T20:13:41.597

6 Automatically allowing SSH into a Mac behind a UPNP router? 2010-05-26T07:59:31.990

6 Port forwarding software (service) for Windows 2011-06-27T14:13:32.010

6 Why do games need port forwarding but not applications like MSN Messenger? 2011-11-23T15:03:43.050

6 Why is this iptables rule that does port forwarding not working? 2011-11-30T16:22:46.360

6 How to ssh to my machine at home, when the IP address of router might change? 2012-01-10T03:23:21.730

6 Port Redirection on Mac OS X Lion 2012-05-02T13:19:21.303

6 Configure Tor as a listening proxy server that I can connect to remotely? 2012-08-07T05:18:29.483

6 NAT Port Forwarding in VirtualBox 2014-03-04T12:37:22.343

6 Does Wake-on-LAN via WAN needs port forwarding? 2015-03-13T16:09:20.130

6 How to send a tcp packet to a device inside WLAN with a local IP from an external network? 2015-09-10T12:05:10.707

6 Port is open, but can't access it via external IP address 2015-10-15T15:57:16.943

6 SSH gateway server 2016-03-13T21:07:32.753

6 Cannot access LAN with WAN address from within my LAN 2017-12-30T17:03:39.647

5 Port(s) not forwarding? 2009-09-15T08:35:38.693

5 port forwarding on linux without root or ssh 2009-10-03T08:53:48.260

5 SSH to computer with shared public IP and no admin rights over the router 2009-12-19T02:44:32.643

5 Why do some remote desktops services not require that you setup port forwarding? 2010-03-05T20:33:10.923

5 How can I get my routers to forward ports correctly? 2010-03-17T23:27:09.267

5 Tunelling video stream through SSH 2011-02-28T11:32:51.967

5 VirtualBox Bridged Network Port Forwarding Issue 2011-05-11T13:52:56.857

5 What is blocking my ports? 2011-05-18T15:38:24.473

5 How can I get VMWare to use the same IP as the host? 2011-06-25T14:11:04.477

5 Forwarding Specific Ports through SSH Reverse Tunnels 2011-06-28T13:50:45.867

5 How do I enable UPnP support in Windows 7? 2011-07-06T21:26:59.000

5 How do I properly test whether my Port Forwarding works? 2011-07-07T17:00:51.960

5 Forward Same Ports to Multiple IPs 2012-05-14T16:41:16.037

5 How to restrict ssh port forwarding, without denying it? 2012-12-07T20:18:53.287

5 How to tunnel a local port onto a remote server 2012-12-10T01:16:23.073

5 How to specify what port RDP responds to? 2013-01-29T16:30:28.780

5 How can make a web server publicly accessible? 2013-02-08T07:46:09.250

5 How do I forward a SSH port from any interface to a specific IP? 2013-02-12T08:48:57.537

5 ssh port-forwarding with GatewayPorts = no 2013-04-13T19:24:32.957

5 Port forwarding not working on ZTE router 2014-02-23T12:37:57.573

5 OpenVPN won't connect from remote location 2014-10-07T14:22:28.997

5 virtualbox port forwarding does not work 2014-12-02T09:33:27.717

5 Unable to remotely view IP camera's RTSP stream 2015-02-09T21:26:24.040

5 Windows Container port binding on Windows Server 2016 not working 2016-03-25T13:25:36.837

5 Windows Subsystem for Linux & SSH Port Forwarding 2016-09-01T14:08:04.970

4 How to access apache behind home router? 2010-03-14T19:08:26.687

4 Port forwarding + shared connection with Ubuntu 2010-05-25T17:08:09.880

4 how to setup a ssh acount with no terminal but port forwarding? 2011-01-29T04:38:43.103

4 How can I run SSH on a port other than 22? 2011-03-21T18:03:22.257

4 Cancel ssh port forward 2011-04-24T15:17:30.923

4 How to Forward Port 22 to allow SSHing from outside LAN 2011-08-01T08:11:12.340

4 How do routers prevent automatic port forwarding from being abused 2011-08-05T03:01:10.837

4 uTorrent and PuTTY -> How to turn the connection into an active one? 2011-12-14T12:08:48.180

4 SSH port forwarding with automatic reconnect, script executing at startup 2012-12-27T20:01:05.003

4 Configuration for public (external) access to ubuntu guest on ESXI 5 2013-01-21T10:26:48.590

4 Android PortForwarding 2013-03-06T02:18:47.887

4 Ssh port forwarding with Remote Desktop timing out 2013-08-22T03:05:27.043

4 Alternative to Tor Hidden services or port forwarding without public IP 2013-09-03T02:31:54.127

4 Can't connect to qbittorrent (or other client) Web UI, except through localhost 2013-10-15T15:48:58.400

4 How to forward uTorrent port on DD-WRT? 2013-11-13T21:37:43.723