Excel 2007 freezes hangs when I enter an email address


I don't know how this started. But anytime I enter an email address, excel freezes. It never responds no matter what option I choose. I have tried it with one cell and nothing else. I have tried it in safe mode and still freezes. Once excel realizes the cell is an email hyperlink, it freezes. I don't necessarily have to finish the email, just putting the @ symbol and hitting tab or enter will freeze it.

I'm not sure what else to share. Office 2007 Windows 7.

Philip Jacobs

Posted 2015-01-19T22:12:37.943

Reputation: 1

Are you using any plugins? It could be worth seeing if it freezes when you start Excel in safe mode

– Dave – 2015-01-20T10:48:30.577

I've already tried safe mode, no go. – Philip Jacobs – 2015-01-20T23:29:06.910

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