Port remains blocked after opening


I have a TP-Link WR841ND Router. To test a server, I've had to open port 69.

When the router is connected to my internet at home, and I do the router's routine of opening a port (I know how, have done many times before), I can successfully accept incoming connections, and other people can connect to me. When I try the exact same procedure with the exact same router at a friend's house, incoming connections are blocked. Even the server-device used was the same.

During all this, no Windows firewall / virus scanner (or any other software-security) was active.

The only differences I can note is that my friend also has interactive-TV attached to his modem, and that I am using a PPPoE connection in order to connect to my ISP, whereas my friend uses a 'dynamic IP' setting. We are both using the same ISP. Could it be something in the modem that is blocking incoming connections? I'm completely baffled--what am I missing?

I have tried:

  • Open the port as virtual-server linked to my static LAN IP. With my home internet it worked, at my friend's house it didn't.
  • Disabled the router's firewall.
  • Simple port opener (the software). Made no difference.
  • Rebooting the router a million times in between setting changes, and trying again.
  • Enabling DMZ on my friend's router--made no difference either.


Posted 2014-10-20T13:33:06.713

Reputation: 111

"We are both using the same ISP." As mentioned in the post, I had already tried DMZ. ( @Nifle , please remove the 'duplicate of' for this question. This clearly is not a duplicate, and I'm afraid that if people think it is a duplicate, they will not answer it. Thank you.) – Roland – 2014-10-20T18:17:41.417

Just because you are using the same ISP does not mean that there is must be no firewall between you and your friend. – Kevin Panko – 2014-10-20T21:27:23.487

Have you contacted your ISP to find out if they have port blocking enabled? Since you are making a PPPoE connection the rules for you connection are going to be different. – Jeff – 2017-01-05T02:46:56.923

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