Windows XP network issue - Looking for wrong Workgroup


Say my workgroup name is "MyGroup". Every time I pull up Windows Explorer, go to My Network Places and then Computers Near Me, I keep getting a message that says, "MyGroup2 is not accessible..." I then go to Control Panel and System, and it clearly says my workgroup is called "MyGroup". So why on earth is it looking for MyGroup2, and how do I convince it that it should be looking for MyGroup?? I should note that when I installed Windows I did have it in the MyGroup2 workgroup, then discovered that it should have been called MyGroup. However, after I changed it back I'd expect it to look for MyGroup but for some reason MyGroup2 is stuck in it's brain.

This is a new build, I recently reformatted the HD on this machine. Also, it can connect to my wireless network and get online. Also, the other computers on MyGroup can see the new computer, making matters even weirder...

Johnny Bones

Posted 2014-08-02T21:27:03.160

Reputation: 131

Might be a silly question but did you restart your computer after you changed your Workgroup? – Malcolm – 2014-08-02T21:31:43.100

Yes. About 10 times. :o) I'm wondering if I need to uninstall TCP/IP and reinstall it or something? It's just weird that it still looking for the old workgroup. – Johnny Bones – 2014-08-02T21:33:05.060

2 different locations on the web said that the phantom workgroup will eventually disappear on its own after time, A oddity of the Network Browser service. I think it is also based on it no longer being used too? So if it doesnt go away in a few days, maybe you could change the others so that it is no longer attempted to be used? I can not believe that nobody just backed up the registry searched for it and deleted it there? – Psycogeek – 2014-08-02T21:57:42.213

I did search through the registry and deleted any 2's that followed my workgroup name. I further deduced that if I right click on "Computers Near Me" and checked the Properties, the Target is still listed as MyGroup2. I changed it to something completely different ("YOMOMMA" actually...) and rebooted, and it still thinks the target is MyGroup2. I'm stumped. – Johnny Bones – 2014-08-02T22:03:23.287

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