Format Excel to Display Second Time Zone in Graph


I need to make my Y axis in a graph show the time in HH:MM (local) format as well as HH:MM +/- offset for another timezone.

Form example:

09:00 EST 06:00 PST

Is there some sort of custom format code I could use? Can I do somehow take the standard format code:

[$-400]hh:mm:ss AM/PM;@

And do something like the following to adjust for the time difference?

[$-400]hh(-3):mm:ss AM/PM;@


Posted 2014-07-11T06:02:54.167

Reputation: 11

I don't know if it's possible the way you describe it, but I would put two column with the date and format I'm lookink for and then concatenate them in a third colum used for the axis. – P. O. – 2015-05-13T16:09:12.637

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