TP-Link TD-W8951ND port forwarding not working?


I've configured not less than 20 routers but this one is driving me crazy. I purchased a TP-Link TD-W8951ND modem-router and now I'm trying to configure my VoIP device to make/get calls.

This works fine so far but additionally I have a CallerID that supposedly requires ports 5060-5061/UDP and 10000-30000/UDP forwarded to the ATA device, so I disabled Firewall on my router, same with SPI, went to Advanced setup -> NAT -> chose PVC 1 (which is the one I'm using for PPPoE), and as parameters I entered:

  • Rule index: 1
  • Port start: 5060
  • Port end: 5061
  • Protocols: Both

Something similar I've performed for 10000-30000/UDP ports. This is actually saved, but once I do a nmap I get:

rpi@rpi $ sudo nmap XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -p 5060-5061 -Pn

Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2014-03-14 21:57 WET
Nmap scan report for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Host is up.
5060/tcp filtered sip
5061/tcp filtered sip-tls

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.12 seconds

Which should be open or closed instead. I don't know what else to try, since this seems to be a pretty simple thing and I can't figure out what else is missing. The modem-router device has factory default values in exception of the ones I've mentioned above. Does anyone know what could be the issue?


Posted 2014-03-14T22:00:43.293

Reputation: 4 960



Mistery solved. In my case the issue was that my internet company was blocking me all these ports. And when I say me I mean it - they usually don't block anything but in my case there was an issue with the configuration when the line was activated and everything was being blocked.

So, I confirm: Deactivating the firewall and SPI and using the NAT option to forward ports should work on this kind of modem-router.


Posted 2014-03-14T22:00:43.293

Reputation: 4 960