DCOPSERVER not running plus both partitions full on Asus Eee PC 900



I'm new to Linux and have recently purchased an Asus Eee PC 900 running Xandros Linux.

My DCOPserver is not running. I can't find the command line to put it back in service.

The 900 came with both partitions active: / which is my main and /ro which is the secondary. /ro has 0 space left on it. Though it is a duplicate of / partition it has 19 X11 files.

I don't have a clue why both would be needed for the same directories, more importantly, I have no idea on how to make /ro go away.

My ultimate goal is to get to crunchbag. My major obstacles are (besides the above) I don't know how to install a downloaded file. I save it to my documents and am lost after that.

Note: I have no data on this netbook, so if I have to wipe out the hard drive then that is not a problem.


Posted 2013-08-30T08:08:00.750

Reputation: 31

I have edited your question and removed all the opinions. They only clutter the question and you're less likely to get answers. Also: don't ask 3 questions in one. – Jan Doggen – 2013-08-30T09:20:25.533

What are you trying to find out? As mentioned you should only ask 1 question at a time. Do you want to fix DCOPServer, install crunchbag (Crunchbang?) or fix the /ro directory?

– Mokubai – 2013-08-30T11:19:19.677

Apologies to all for multiple questions. How do I fix the DCOPServer? eee pc 900 linux xandros – user249912 – 2013-09-01T19:38:06.150

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