Tag: repository

87 List of installed repositories (yum) 2012-10-17T11:18:12.917

65 How to find out which versions of a package can I install on APT 2012-02-24T17:34:41.447

39 Find packages installed from a certain repository with aptitude 2010-04-18T17:40:28.487

23 Is there way to list all existing repositories using git? 2012-01-17T10:12:19.623

19 How do I add a apt-get repository without editing /etc/apt/sources.list? 2011-01-24T19:16:17.737

19 How do I get yum to see updates to a local repo without cleaning cache? 2011-09-08T22:12:21.333

10 List of all users who committed to a SVN repository 2010-04-13T03:05:47.933

10 Is it possible to analyze the size of a SubVersion repository? 2010-04-26T16:40:30.100

10 Where should I put my Git repository? 2010-08-16T15:57:34.923

10 How can I download ubuntu packages in windows to install them on an offline ubuntu machine? 2012-02-23T10:29:13.460

8 checking out a portion of a git repository 2010-05-18T17:13:13.137

8 Corrupted files in Git 2010-07-12T10:44:52.673

8 Is there still a repository for debian etch packages? 2010-07-16T12:51:11.753

7 bitbucket on my own server 2010-03-02T16:36:03.477

7 Is it possible to install Gentoo portage manager (emerge) on Ubuntu? 2011-04-13T14:38:57.440

7 Why does Software Update and Add/Remove Software claim all packages are untrusted? 2012-01-02T21:30:47.603

7 Gist vs repository on GitHub 2013-02-04T20:03:56.430

6 Setting up a git repository on a server 2010-05-04T10:51:10.180

6 Smallest linux with apt repositories? 2010-06-30T00:19:02.540

6 How do I create a local update server for Anaconda Python? 2015-09-29T18:04:29.893

5 Add a parent directory to a git repositoy 2010-05-06T19:25:44.380

5 Am I using 'zypper' correctly? 2011-04-20T21:05:15.387

5 Debian: add-apt-repository doesn't find openpgp key and then has exceptions/errors 2017-10-27T09:21:07.977

5 Is there a built-in package management system in Windows? 2019-01-29T14:45:12.917

4 Tortoise HG "Out of Memory" While Trying to Clone Repo 2010-04-15T01:59:24.660

4 Ubuntu repository download iso 2010-04-28T02:29:41.683

4 How to name files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to be ignored without warnings? 2011-01-19T15:05:18.783

4 how to repo sync by date? 2012-03-04T06:53:21.847

4 How to remotely clone Git repository on Windows Storage Server 2008? 2012-10-06T00:30:57.140

4 Why Ubuntu has a so large number of available packages if compared to other Linux distros? 2013-05-18T21:02:42.583

4 Installing Fedora 20 repos 2014-03-24T19:49:25.840

4 Is the official Adobe Flash repository for Linux outdated? 2016-04-04T19:08:24.523

3 How to install Mono 2.6 on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-03-26T17:16:54.677

3 How to deal with binary files in Google Code? 2011-03-30T06:05:29.523

3 Trying to push only key commits to git server 2011-05-05T22:31:57.560

3 How to synchronize between differently structured directories using rsync (or other program) 2011-10-26T09:39:39.833

3 Saving Git remotes inside the Git repository itself? 2012-01-30T00:20:48.730

3 How do I setup Sourcetree without Kiln having to enter a username and password every time I push/pull? 2012-06-28T04:10:20.340

3 How to setup git repo in order to push as currently the remote reject it? 2012-07-07T19:07:22.317

3 Connect Dreamweaver with bitbucket 2012-08-03T20:03:06.923

3 Yum: What defines the repo a package gets pulled from if the same package is contained in multiple repos? 2012-10-04T14:49:23.720

3 gitolite on an Ubuntu Server. {Broken install | Needs Fixing} 2012-12-24T22:37:29.710

3 Repository of Previous Versions of Chrome Extensions 2013-01-27T22:20:58.633

3 Setting up a shared remote git repository without root privileges (solved) using ssh keys to manage per user access? 2013-10-25T13:28:35.190

3 What does the @ symbol mean next to a repository when doing 'yum list' 2013-11-07T23:38:29.673

3 How add ubuntu repository to source.list in kali 2013-12-26T08:48:10.240

3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 - Where is the official package repository? 2016-01-18T09:35:49.527

3 Linux Mint "PPA does not support trusty" 2016-01-22T10:41:29.067

3 What is "Repository Group" in SourceTree? 2016-11-19T22:37:37.110

3 Debian: find repository from which a package has been installed 2018-01-24T10:58:00.613

3 ipkg can't install tcpdump 2018-02-05T20:21:09.460

2 Git - GitHub Repository Setup Viable? 2009-09-01T13:19:56.513

2 Ubuntu Repositories lack most recent versions of software 2009-09-07T19:51:36.283

2 Need to recover Subversion repository database 2010-03-03T09:09:06.297

2 Mercurial mirror: abort: No such file or directory: http://[...]/00manifest.i 2010-05-04T19:18:05.290

2 TortoiseHg; How to Connect to Server? 2010-11-01T16:29:23.377

2 Private Git Repository Using a VPN with Tinc, SSH, and Git 2011-07-31T17:22:07.947

2 cygwin mirrors/ repositories - tee and svn 2011-09-14T00:32:53.023

2 debian repositories are too old 2012-04-03T18:01:59.450

2 git setup for local development 2012-09-07T07:37:10.457

2 How to set up git repo on my subdomain? 2013-06-29T14:42:20.557

2 How to install the latest version of VLC media player in debian 2013-10-03T16:35:30.617

2 Debian Jessie repositories and git 2013-12-16T19:32:35.007

2 Why does the EPEL Repo fail on a Centos 7 VM on VMWare Workstation 11? 2015-06-15T15:45:51.787

2 Is the atrpms.net repository offline? 2015-09-17T14:22:14.157

2 Yum repo on cifs mount 2016-02-24T20:02:26.250

2 After installing Debian, can't update 2016-03-14T18:40:29.870

2 Automatic updates for Oracle Java Runtime on CentOS 2016-06-02T05:59:55.533

2 how do I install ashmem or binder? 2017-05-14T20:03:52.323

2 Can't add Repositories on Linux Mint 2018-08-21T16:00:17.537

2 Fix dangling commits and tags in a git repository 2019-05-12T01:32:05.067

2 git-p4 and huge file sizes 2019-05-27T01:20:48.223

1 Mozilla build firefox 3.5.1 on Ubuntu issues with images going greyscale, and javascript not running 2009-07-29T13:37:13.887

1 Convert many files to the same encoding 2009-11-17T11:33:20.177

1 PcLinuxOs demands I use only one repository at time. Is it right? 2010-02-05T17:02:12.407

1 Why do need to configure repositories for installing chrome in Fedora? 2010-02-26T18:34:11.823

1 Git version control with multiple users 2010-03-30T19:24:38.177

1 How to set the subversion repository root in Debian? 2010-04-16T14:20:22.977

1 How to upgrade a 1.4.3 TortoiseSVN-created repository to 1.6.x? 2010-04-29T23:13:04.223

1 Lesser known Ubuntu desktop applications 2010-05-07T07:14:29.920

1 How to set up an apt repository? 2010-05-27T04:54:08.317

1 Software Update in Ubuntu? (Non-APT) 2010-07-22T20:34:27.420

1 Install wine on RHEL with Yum 2011-01-10T23:51:17.830

1 MiKTeX-Repo offline - how to build a custom repo? 2011-04-24T22:17:38.913

1 Upgrading software packages from CLI in Linux from some online repo 2011-08-10T23:55:40.767

1 Where are Ubuntu packages that I can't find by name (OpenJDK, Ruby, etc.)? 2011-09-24T16:54:56.210

1 make: my own simple repository 2011-12-09T19:11:40.477

1 adding repo to yum 2012-02-05T15:13:57.203

1 Give part of LDAP tree access to SVN repository 2012-03-31T04:24:29.557

1 Number of packages per repository (major distributions) 2012-05-03T08:29:58.183

1 Chromium repository for Debian 2012-07-25T01:08:14.840

1 Where are Debian packages hosted? 2012-07-27T05:03:30.760

1 Searching for packages that are (not) from a certain repository URL 2012-08-06T09:55:43.587

1 Fedora Repository for older Linux Kernel versions 2012-08-06T21:16:16.430

1 VPS Git vs custom git service 2012-09-07T16:18:56.400

1 Installing Java from PPA in Ubuntu 12.04 2012-09-28T14:36:27.540

1 Missing txn-current file in TortoiseSVN 2012-10-27T19:20:54.940

1 How to create .repo file? 2012-11-11T09:22:05.537

1 Update to gnome 3.6 from 3.4 in debian wheezy 2013-03-05T11:39:05.717