How do I get Emacs to interpret M-left as previous word?


I'm very used to having Emacs interpret M-left/M-right as backword/forwards word. However, last night, for some reason, Emacs started interpreting M-left as D and M-right as C.

I'm wondering how I can restore the default behavior. I haven't changed my .emacs file at all, and I'm using iTerm, with the option key set as meta.

Any help will be appreciated.



I've figured out that the problem is with iTerm and not Emacs. Emacs interprets the commands correctly in the built-in terminal, but not in emacs.


Posted 2013-05-29T16:54:30.220

Reputation: 1 849

", but not in iTerm"? – Chad Skeeters – 2013-07-15T23:00:45.363

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