Tag: emacs

123 How do I display line numbers in Emacs (not in the mode line)? 2010-11-18T05:30:29.467

81 How can I open a file read-only from command line with emacs/vi/vim 2010-10-28T09:46:11.283

69 Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook? 2009-11-17T19:09:46.233

60 emacs: how to indent/unindent region of python code by 4 spaces? 2010-08-09T12:51:12.910

59 Jump to first non-whitespace character in line in emacs 2010-09-18T22:35:51.967

51 Linewrap in Org-mode of Emacs? 2011-06-21T01:14:51.700

49 How to insert tab character in Text mode? 2013-06-01T04:38:30.703

47 How do you run the previous command in emacs shell? 2010-05-11T05:14:38.300

44 How to turn off Emacs's auto line wrapping for the current session? 2013-05-06T17:17:11.510

42 How to jump back to the last position of the cursor in emacs? 2011-02-05T06:52:34.237

40 How to make Emacs read buffer from stdin on start? 2009-08-28T15:10:02.943

40 How to find out current font used in my Emacs? 2012-05-10T16:35:40.927

36 How to get back to an active minibuffer prompt in emacs without the mouse 2010-04-18T06:41:49.663

34 Which version of Emacs makes the best use of the Mac GUI? 2010-05-07T18:30:52.817

33 Problem with GNU Screen when using Emacs C-x C-s (save-buffer) 2011-02-28T16:54:28.730

30 How can I specify the repository from which a package will be installed? (emacs-snapshot) 2010-03-25T21:17:23.120

30 How to awake emacs gui after pressing ctrl+z 2011-10-24T15:17:04.653

29 Can I create directories that don't exist while creating a new file in emacs? 2010-04-16T01:32:39.967

28 emacs does not open a file from argument and syntax highlight does not work 2011-03-26T21:18:46.817

28 Edit one file in two different buffers in emacs 2011-09-21T11:52:38.653

27 Ubuntu: Keep emacs in the terminal 2010-10-25T22:26:25.260

26 Where is the .emacs file? 2009-11-20T10:59:51.593

26 How do I find out which version of org-mode I am using? 2013-10-16T22:24:31.057

24 How can I run Mac OSX graphical Emacs in daemon mode? 2009-10-02T16:25:50.003

24 How can I hide the Tool-bar in Emacs persistently? 2010-04-04T22:37:50.750

24 How to find out the current color theme in emacs 2011-08-06T04:52:29.083

23 Is there any *good* HTML-mode for emacs? 2009-08-09T02:10:54.660

23 How to split Emacs over a dual monitor? 2010-01-29T12:07:27.933

23 Why latest emacs version don't support Windows 7 taskbar? 2011-03-18T12:16:20.687

23 How to switch back text encoding to UTF-8 with emacs? 2013-02-11T12:31:35.480

23 Install emacs without sudo? 2013-08-29T00:50:25.360

21 How to type a Unicode character by its number in Emacs? 2012-02-27T04:32:37.357

21 Emacs - Disable Some Minibuffer Messages 2013-11-05T06:01:06.173

20 Getting Gmail in Emacs? 2009-11-12T13:42:49.803

20 Disable Windows Key hotkeys when using Virtualbox 2010-03-19T14:41:21.090

20 How to get code completion in emacs? 2011-01-10T15:52:43.093

20 Emacs opens files in a new frame when opened with "open -a" 2011-05-01T17:33:05.377

19 C-x C-c not working in Emacs 23.1 2010-01-10T07:06:12.000

19 Word count for LaTeX within emacs 2010-03-28T15:12:40.243

19 Flyspell save word to dictionary 2012-04-22T14:57:33.323

19 Don't change the cursor position when scrolling in Emacs 2013-01-03T02:06:09.053

17 Syncing Google Calendar [Gcal] and Emacs Org-mode? Is it possible? 2010-08-17T11:58:31.347

17 What does key "M" mean in Emacs? 2011-03-04T20:48:03.790

17 Can I tell emacs to paste (middle mouse button) on the cursor position? 2011-09-01T18:00:55.670

17 In Emacs, how to reformat an edited paragraph so the line breaks are properly reinserted? 2012-03-16T01:37:24.580

16 How to run 'emacs' in the terminal emulator without a separate window? 2009-12-03T10:40:42.030

16 How do I re-open a file in emacs? 2010-11-08T13:18:49.997

16 How to interrupt emacs when control-g does not work in very large files? 2013-09-05T00:04:59.793

15 How to do select column then do editing in GNU Emacs? 2009-12-01T11:16:02.000

15 What is emacs keybinding s-u? 2010-10-29T18:37:26.000

15 Torrent client for Emacs 2011-02-26T15:24:22.057

15 Set emacs "Meta" key to be the mac ⌘ key 2011-06-14T22:53:35.723

15 Emacs - kill buffer without prompt 2011-11-07T18:47:20.657

15 What is an equivalent of git rm -r ... in the emacs magit package? 2012-12-08T13:17:15.700

15 Hang on jabber-connect in emacs 2014-03-28T10:01:03.470

14 How do I complete file paths in emacs? 2009-11-07T15:20:40.623

14 I'm an Emacs user. How do I learn Vim? 2010-04-15T13:54:11.267

14 emacs: How to return to last position after scroll/page up/down? 2010-09-03T16:31:02.407

14 In Emacs why can I not paste text C-y into a C-s search box? 2010-12-14T09:42:15.467

14 How to configure dired to update instantly when files/folders change? 2013-03-15T11:59:48.167

13 How do I fix my prompt in emacs shell-mode? 2009-08-28T18:37:59.840

13 Emacs equivalent to VIM ci"? 2010-03-26T00:03:09.717

13 Emacs as daemon on OS X with window-system 2011-06-04T13:33:21.087

13 Re-file outline tree into new org-mode file? 2012-01-01T19:53:21.713

13 Is there a way of using ctrl-r after typing part of command in bash? 2012-01-30T15:41:24.130

13 Awesome-wm a signal to rise client when focus received 2012-05-02T11:00:03.863

13 how to remove smart quotes in copy/paste? 2013-06-04T03:21:19.620

13 How to enable automatic LaTeX math preview in org-mode/Emacs? 2013-06-08T17:12:56.047

13 In emacs, my <C-right> and <C-left> on my mac keyboard, does not work 2013-08-30T11:00:56.990

12 Getting Emacs to use pdflatex 2010-05-18T12:17:37.290

12 Delete data from the middle of a binary file with hexl-mode 2010-10-28T23:50:42.327

12 Emacs font settings not working in new frame 2010-11-13T20:47:57.650

12 Fullscreen Emacs in OSX 2011-03-11T19:20:15.873

12 How to insert a new line and jump to it, in emacs? 2011-09-02T18:23:54.633

12 How to comment a block of code in Emacs? 2012-01-18T22:50:50.077

12 How can I write a emacs command that inserts a text with a variable string at the current cursor position? 2012-02-13T11:48:00.130

12 Emacs org-mode: how to avoid duplicate lines in agenda, when items is scheduled AND has deadline 2012-11-06T09:08:48.053

12 Is there a way to control which window Emacs opens new buffers in? 2013-04-13T21:18:19.430

12 How can I show vertical indentations markers with Emacs? 2013-06-17T13:58:37.287

12 Emacs 24: Loading a package installed via ELPA 2013-08-13T10:26:45.730

12 bash vi mode: What does # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : mean? 2014-01-19T06:42:16.750

12 Windows 10 linux bash shell ctrl+space doesn't set mark in Emacs 2016-06-12T07:04:05.200

11 How do I open several files at once in Emacs? 2010-04-06T10:17:12.127

11 Emacs org mode as a work diary 2010-10-06T10:28:49.233

11 How can I write braces, { and }, in Emacs on Mac OS X with a scandinavian keyboard layout? 2011-02-02T21:36:34.687

11 Remap command key in mac only for emacs 2011-06-12T21:30:46.270

11 How to exclude {{{ ... }}} in flyspell-mode and flyspell-buffer? 2011-10-10T19:23:09.477

11 How to group bookmarks in Emacs? 2011-10-15T00:04:56.637

11 How to refresh tag list in org-mode without closing and reopening emacs 2012-03-21T08:32:23.947

11 In emacs, how do I align closing parentheses with the start of the opening line? 2013-01-16T20:15:32.143

10 In emacs how can I keep many files open at once? 2010-02-19T09:39:52.040

10 Emacs: how to trigger scroll when cursor is n-lines from top/bottom of screen? 2010-08-03T15:49:26.863

10 Emacs: how to choose good custom key bindings? 2010-11-23T19:11:08.263

10 emacs -- C/C++ jump to beginning of containing block 2011-03-22T18:49:18.660

10 How to prevent the "Symbol's function definition is void: error" when running emacs in the console? 2011-07-21T18:46:42.497

10 Is there a way to print the definition of an existing function in Emacs? 2011-11-10T22:50:08.413

10 Open Emacs with --debug-init on OS X 2012-08-07T14:21:46.710

9 Installing AucTeX 1.86 over Emacs.app in OS X 2010-08-04T01:56:23.133

9 Emacs Auctex: How do I open the pdf in evince at the current cursor position 2011-03-05T09:55:29.133