How can I SSH into home computer from internet



I have a setup like follows

  1. I have a router that connects to the INTERNET, where my ISP provides dynamic ip
  2. two systems are connected to the router with locl ip and
  3. the local ip of the router is

My question is how can I access the computer with ip from the Internet when I know the ip assigned by the ISP

My Dlink router has a field for NAT which is as follows enter image description here

I have SSH enabled in the system as well as the router. When I filled the entries in the NAT table and tries to connect to the system it still connects to the router only

The values I gave re server name: , protocol tcp and all other port values as ssh port 22. When I gave like that it showed message that router port moved to 2222, but that port is not open when i checked using nmap


Posted 2012-12-23T02:40:57.647

Reputation: 719



Most of the time, Network Address Translations(NAT) is done internally by home routers. Your D-link router should be able to handle the translation automatically, however you need to open/forward the port number that the ssh-server is running on. If you have ssh-server running on a pc with netID, then you open the PortNumber coming in from Outside for ip Check the specs for on your Dlink router for ways to accomplish port forwarding. As for fixing your dynamic IP address issue, you might want to use free services offered by no-ip, afraid etc ... so you can resolve your dynamic/changing ip address by using there free dns name.


Posted 2012-12-23T02:40:57.647

Reputation: 330


Simplest way to do that might be ngrok:

Ngrok tunnels through any firewall, and sets up a publicly accessible (dynamic, or static) subdomain to either HTTP, or even direct TCP connections. Incantations:

ngrok tcp 22

-> assigns which stays open until the application runs. Paid versions can also reserve a TCP address, so you can put ngrok into eg. init.d to have it auto-started, and memorize only one single address, regardless what your ISP assigns to you.

Once assigned, you can connect to it via ssh:

ssh -p 19778

Silver Dragon

Posted 2012-12-23T02:40:57.647

Reputation: 690


What you can do is set up your SSH on to listen on another port. Usually, you do this by editing sshd.conf or sshd_config, say, port 1022.

And when you run ssh, do it like so,

ssh -p 1022 DynamicIP

where DynamicIP is the IP assigned by your ISP.

You need to set up your router to forward port 1022 to

If you're on Windows, consider using putty as the SSH client.


Posted 2012-12-23T02:40:57.647

Reputation: 276