remove Mouse Over events to hide/unhide dock



I have been googling around to find a way to remove the dock on a Mac OSX Lion. However, I understand that there could be complications in retrieving minimized windows. So disabling it completely is not an option.

However, I would like it if the mouse over events did nothing to hide or unhide the dock. I find that the keyboard shortcut (Command + Option + D) works fine for me.

I haven't seen anyone ask for removal of the dock this way specifically, if so then I apologize for the duplicate question. Is this possible?



Posted 2012-09-19T18:03:51.280

Reputation: 165

To clarify, you want to show and hide the Dock by pressing Cmd-Opt-D, instead of moving the mouse to the screen border? – Daniel Beck – 2012-09-19T18:07:40.447

Thats correct. I can already use the shortcut but I want to make it so the mouse over just doesn't work. – JoeMoe1984 – 2012-09-19T18:11:46.083

I'm not sure I would ever use it, but I am definitely curious now :) – JoshP – 2012-09-19T18:45:56.810

There have been times where I use the marquee tool in photoshop near the bottom of the screen and the dock opens on me because my mouse got too close to it. Thats why I want to remove this functionality. Plus I never really use the dock anyways. – JoeMoe1984 – 2012-09-19T18:50:28.860



There's a hidden preference for the delay before the animation starts:

defaults write autohide-delay -float 9999999
osascript -e 'quit app "Dock"'

It doesn't affect full screen windows though.

This would increase the delay to about a second:

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0.5


Posted 2012-09-19T18:03:51.280

Reputation: 34 501

The problem with delaying it for a large amount of time would make it appear really slow when I need it for using the shortcut command. – JoeMoe1984 – 2012-09-21T05:40:26.287

Actually never mind. It worked. At least for now. I forgot the kill dock command after. I don't know what I was talking about there. I thought you were referring to the time-modifier which is different. Just to clarify I can use the shortcut command and it works right away whereas the mouse over takes forever. Thanks. – JoeMoe1984 – 2012-09-21T05:56:13.290