Is there any way to block all unencrypted connections?



I'm in the United States and I really don't think what I do is any of my ISP's business. No, I'm not doing anything illegal, I would just rather they not be watching everything.

I tried TOR a few years ago, but as I recall, it was ridiculously slow, and I got tired of it quickly…it might work as a fallback, though, if a server doesn't accept secure connections.

I have multiple computers, one running OS X Lion, the others running Debian squeeze. Ideally, the solution would work for all of them, let me set exceptions for specific domains, and prompt me once per program per domain when a program tries to establish an insecure connection. I realize that might not be possible, though, so whatever you have is welcome :)

Blacklight Shining

Posted 2012-07-12T09:11:30.820

Reputation: 2 127

1I tried TOR a few years ago, but as I recall, it was ridiculously slow, and I got tired of it quickly -- A few years ago? That's like a hundred in computer years. – Nifle – 2012-07-12T09:36:23.380

2I think the only practical way to do this is to use a firewall and block all outgoing traffic, and then make special rules that let what you deem allowed traffic through (https, ssh). – Nifle – 2012-07-12T09:41:26.900


If you have access to another machine (preferably a server) in another place, you might want to take a look at VPN.

– Izzy – 2012-07-12T09:50:56.400

Or purchase a subscription to a service like ipredator or hidemyass VPN – VBwhatnow – 2012-07-13T10:42:36.340

@Izzy I have a VPS that might work for this. How would I know my host isn't sniffing packets, though? Is there a list somewhere of ISPs and hosts that don't? – Blacklight Shining – 2012-07-13T16:56:29.847

@Nifle Heh, okay. I might try it again, but frankly I'd rather not… – Blacklight Shining – 2012-07-13T16:57:08.707

@BlacklightShining Don't know. I know my ISP personally :) – Izzy – 2012-07-13T17:09:04.787

@Nifle I think I might actually do that. Thanks! :) – Blacklight Shining – 2013-09-19T03:30:12.303

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