How to calculate the total sum of hours with automatic filter


I have an Excel sheet where I sum hours to get the total amount of my work.

It works without problems, but if I add an automatic filter I'd like the calculations to be done only on the portion of data shown by the filter – and right now it keeps on counting, even the hours "hidden" by the automatic filter.

Is there any way to obtain this?

I'd like to use plain Excel, without programming and VBA scripts.

Probably the question lacks of details, but if someone with more expertise can help with comments to improve the question I'll be glad to do it.


Posted 2011-08-24T14:30:35.790

Reputation: 1 766

Probably a screen shot or the formulas you use could help — it's always good to have these for Excel questions! – slhck – 2011-08-24T14:57:17.467



Use the SUBTOTAL() function with the 9 option:

=SUBTOTAL(9, yourrange)

Lance Roberts

Posted 2011-08-24T14:30:35.790

Reputation: 7 895