Excel Gantt diagram - how do I highlight actual month?


Let's say I have a Gantt diagram in the following form:

   m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9
a1 ||
a2  |||||||
a3        |||||||
a4     |||||
a5 |||||||||||||||
a6            ||||||||||||||

and I want to highlight the current month since the project started maybe with thick outside borders and a different backgroundcolor in the header. Is there a way to do it automatically depending on the start date for example?


Posted 2011-05-26T08:03:00.050

Reputation: 423

Use conditional formating. Specifics depend on which version of Excel you are using – chris neilsen – 2011-05-26T08:22:04.183

I use 2007. So if m1 is current month then highlight it. What about the cells below the date cell? Can I use conditional formatting as well? – user48604 – 2011-05-26T08:29:35.400



Some suggestions: dates in column headings, use actual start date in first column (say Cell B1), and use formula in cell C1 =EDATE(B1,1) and copy accross as may co,umns as required. EDATE returns a date serial the specified (in this case one) number of months after a given date.

Format these cells with custom code mmm (displays three letter month Jan, Feb etc)

Conditional format on cells in row 1: Format cells that contain: Dates Occuring: This Month

Conditional format for other cells in the month column (example for column B): Use formula: =MONTH(B$1)=MONTH(NOW())

chris neilsen

Posted 2011-05-26T08:03:00.050

Reputation: 4 005