How to run a DHCP Server on Windows XP?


How can I create a DHCP server in a Windows XP environment?


Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157


Question was closed 2014-12-30T19:21:09.557

3Windows internet connection sharing could also solve the matter at hand, as an alternative to running a DHCP server – pavsaund – 2009-08-19T07:40:50.617

I presume it's a DHCP server so you can do more than just supply IP addresses - e.g. to perform netbooting of remote systems? – Petesh – 2009-08-19T07:57:02.800



Typically you'd have a Windows Server box doing DHCP addressing, but if you wish to set it up on XP you'll need some additional software. I've used Dual DHCP DNS Server in the past. It's 100% free and can act as a DNS server as well if you need it.

John T

Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157

Reputation: 149 037


If your Windows XP network has a Cable or DSL router on it you may already have a DHCP server though it might not be enabled. Other software solutions work well but they require that the computer hosting the DHCP service be switch on all the time. A cheap router with a DHCP service (most consumer routers do have DHCP services) in firmware may be a better answer.


Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157

Reputation: 59


TFTPD32 has DHCP Server built in

Phil D.

Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157

Reputation: 181


Windows XP has a DHCP server built in (it just isn't enabled). To enable it you will need to tweak the 'IpEnableRouter' option in regedit (google 'IPEnableRouter'). Works perfectly and so little fuss. I haven't yet found ANYTHING in Windows Server 2003 which isn't present in Windows XP SP3 but hidden away.


Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157

Reputation: 11

1Can you describe the instructions, as opposed to just saying "Google it"? – Canadian Luke – 2012-09-17T21:51:44.270


Tiny DHCP Server works quite well.

JP Alioto

Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157

Reputation: 6 278


I'd never heard of Dual DHCP DNS Server before seeing it above. I had tried Tiny DHCP server and it wasn't doing what I wanted. I had tried VirtualBox's built-in DHCP server too. Dual Server did exactly what I wanted with very little fuss. Now I have a VirtualBox Host-Only Network where all my VM guests can talk w/ each other and with my VM host machine- but which cannot possibly communicate with anything outside of my host machine. AND now, because of Dual Server, I can now do everything using regular hostnames. There's not a fixed IP address anywhere in the new setup. Dual server really worked well for me.

For those who are interested in VirtualBox, my Guest VM setup has two NICs- the first one gets the VBox default NAT subnet, and the second one gets my Vbox Host-only network. If I want the guest VM's to be able to get out to the internet for OS updates or whatever, I just connect the virtual ethernet cable on the first NIC. My Vbox Host-only network's built-in DHCP server is DISABLED, so that Dual Server can do the work. Dual Server runs on my host machine and I bound it to the (static) IP address of the Vbox Host-only network.


Posted 2009-08-19T05:54:32.157
