Cannot connect to Oracle Database with Power Query


I'm trying to import data from Oracle to Excel. I was hoping to find Oracle DB on the drop down under Get Data as see online:

enter image description here

That picture not being there I hit the documentation explaining I should install 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (

After doing this, I could not see the drop down. However, I read elsewhere that it could be accessed from the Other Sources > From OBDC:

enter image description here

I went through my Windows Admin Tools > ODBC Data Source Administrator and there I added a new Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Setup.

My database now appeared in the ODBC database choice drop down. I call for the query and... I get two errors:

First a Windows error:

"The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. Thesec components are supplied by Oracle Corportation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation. You will be unable to use these drivers until these components have been installed"

Then power query error:

"ODBC: ERROR [IM004] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed"

Update: When running Excel as an Administrator, I am only getting the second error message.

I've looked up my environment variables, as I've seen elsewhere that they may be related to this issue:

enter image description here

So now I'm a litte confused and don't understand what this means and what I've done wrong. Other posts here didn't point to the right direction (I think).


Posted 2019-09-03T01:53:25.147

Reputation: 151



I managed to connect to the Oracle database.

  1. I had to install some pre-requisites, namely the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages x_64 and x_86.

  2. I followed the steps in this document:

It worked like a charm and I also can connect to MySql as bonus.


Posted 2019-09-03T01:53:25.147

Reputation: 151