ntp + ntp loose synchronize each time in 5:00 morning


we have a very strange behavior

we have 12 Linux redhat machines - redhat 7.x

two of these VM servers are loosing the time synchronize each day at 5:00 in the morning

after we restart the chronyd , then sync return to normal

but what could be the reason for this strange behavior ?

systemctl status chronyd
● chronyd.service - NTP client/server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-07-12 20:49:43 UTC; 2 days ago
 Main PID: 971 (chronyd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/chronyd.service
           └─971 /usr/sbin/chronyd

the servers:

dmidecode | grep -i vm
        Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.
        Product Name: VMware Virtual Platform
        Serial Number: VMware-42 24 19 ee 87 95 0b a8-16 da b6 ce d3 4e ff 6a
        Description: VMware SVGA II
        String 1: [MS_VM_CERT/SHA1/27d66596a61c48dd3dc7216fd715126e33f59ae7]

King David

Posted 2019-07-15T06:34:28.517

Reputation: 405

1Do you mean that the servers are VMs or do you mean that they host VMs? – user1686 – 2019-07-15T06:35:49.083

1Are there any suspicious journal messages immediately before the time sync is lost? – user1686 – 2019-07-15T06:36:16.380

the servers are VMs ( see the update of the question ) – King David – 2019-07-15T06:39:02.510

we not see journal messages – King David – 2019-07-15T06:39:28.323

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