Windows Batch File Conversion with Retained Audio Metadata using FFmpeg Error


I'm fairly new to using this program, and really programming of any kind, but after tooling around on the internet (a lot of this site actually), I managed to come up with this.


FOR %%AA IN (*.flac) DO (
echo Converting: %%AA
ffmpeg -i "%%AA" -q:a 0 -map_metadata 0 "%%~nf.mp3"

echo Finished


The problem I'm running into is that when I run the program I get the error "At least one output file must be specified". When I remove the -map_metadata 0 command, the program works fine, but no metadata is saved in the mp3 file. Does anyone know what's going wrong with this program, or what I can chnage to fix it?

EDIT: Now correctly displays my code.


Posted 2017-03-14T23:08:23.560

Reputation: 11

if you add echo in front of the ffmpeg what do you see? – Stephen Rauch – 2017-03-14T23:21:59.430

Converting: %AA ffmpeg -i "%AA" -q:a 0 -map_metadata 0 "test.mp3" – AeonCenturion – 2017-03-14T23:25:37.303

This seems to be an ffmpeg error so double check your syntax and confirm you can run with a single file first... report back your results.. – Pimp Juice IT – 2017-03-15T01:02:34.073



I think you need to replace the %%AA with %%f:


@echo off
FOR %%f IN (*.flac) DO (
echo Converting: %%f
ffmpeg -i "%%f" -q:a 0 -map_metadata 0 "%%~nf.mp3"

Stephen Rauch

Posted 2017-03-14T23:08:23.560

Reputation: 2 455

I'm still getting the same error. I don't actually know why my code appeared like that in my post here, I originally had all of the lines as %%AA in my batch file. – AeonCenturion – 2017-03-14T23:44:30.237

redo the echo experiment and make sure the echo command line looks like what you expect it to. Also you should edit your post to look like reality. – Stephen Rauch – 2017-03-14T23:45:54.387

Converting: Test 1.flac ffmpeg -i "Test 1.flac" -q:a 0 -map_metadata 0 "Test 1.mp3" This is right as far as I can tell – AeonCenturion – 2017-03-14T23:52:19.473

If you cut and paste the second echo output to the command line, do you get the same result? – Stephen Rauch – 2017-03-14T23:57:40.990

Yes, I still get the same error. – AeonCenturion – 2017-03-15T00:02:18.393

So this appears to be a command line issue, not a batch issue. So at the command line, try it again with a file with no spaces in the name, it might be some sort of quoting issue. GL. – Stephen Rauch – 2017-03-15T00:40:16.753