Windows 10 Update with Windows Server Update Services


The Windows 10 Clients in my infrastructure don't Update with the local Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) in my network.

I created for the Windows 10 Clients a Group Policy which is configuring the Windows Updates to use the WSUS Server. This is the result, if run rsop.msc with the target windows 10 computer:

Configure Automatic Updates
    4 - Auto download and schedule the install
    0 - Every day
    Scheduled install time: 03:00
Specify intranet Microsoft update service location
    Set the intranet update service for detecting updates: http:local-server:8530
    Set the intranet statistics server: http:local-server:8530
Check for updates at the following
    interval (hours): 22

The WSUS Server is running on Windows Server 2012 R2 with the update to activate windows 10 updates: Windows8.1-KB3095113-x64.msu

Server side it seems like everything is ok and the client just have to install the updates:

wsus client overview

But if I take a look into the client side event log I see this:

0 updates were found


It seems like the client is connecting direct to the microsoft windows network, but is reporting something to wsus server.

How can I fix this?

A. Fendt

Posted 2016-07-21T13:34:34.200

Reputation: 73

Here is a screenshot of the latest client eventlog entry: link

– A. Fendt – 2016-07-21T13:38:15.250

You will need to translate everything into English. I don't understand a single thing in your eventlog. – Ramhound – 2016-07-21T13:44:50.463

I have a WSUS Server running in my local network. Look at my screenshots, and sorry for my english. – A. Fendt – 2016-07-21T13:48:14.020

I can't understand a single word in your screenshots. I can help you if I can read the information. – Ramhound – 2016-07-21T13:49:04.980

The first shows you the group policy, and the second the overview of the comptuer in wsus. I try to translate it somehow – A. Fendt – 2016-07-21T13:51:04.050

I have translated the group policy titles and configuration points, I'm not able to translate the other screenshot, but I think its not nessercary, it just shows you that the wsus thinks the client has to install 117 updates. – A. Fendt – 2016-07-21T14:05:37.590



Try wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

If that doesn't work, try

REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v SusClientId /f

REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v SusClientIdValidation /f


wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow


Posted 2016-07-21T13:34:34.200

Reputation: 1 489

I deleted both Registry Keys and run this command, but it doesn't work, no new Updates and no Statistic Update inside the WSUS Console. – A. Fendt – 2016-07-21T15:56:50.027