VLOOKUP for latest non-empty cell



Basically, I've got the following spreadsheet.

enter image description here

There are dates along the top. I do a certain amount of past papers each week, and record the highest score I get in a week in cell (paper, week). The column marked Latest Score has the following formula:

=VLOOKUP(B17, B17:U17, 12, FALSE)

This checks the column of one week. However, as you can see, there are zeros where there isn't a paper for that week. I'd like it so that that VLOOKUP can find the most recent column in which there is a score for that row, and return that value in the Latest Score column.

Simon Fish

Posted 2016-03-21T08:55:01.300

Reputation: 11



This answer on StackOverflow should solve your problem.

To quote:

For numbers get last value with this formula in Z2


or for text...


or for either...


all the formulas work whether you have blanks in the data or not......


Posted 2016-03-21T08:55:01.300

Reputation: 821